Futaba 9 CAP with 5 receivers on 40.850 + +

Started by GE, April 14, 2009, 07:28:06 PM

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Would you be willing to sell the PCM Rx alone? I would be interested as I fly on the same freqency.
BTW before we proceed ahead what receivers are those as you have not mentioned anything about them, are they 9 ch?? any model/make??
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


Have to check, 2 are 9 Ch (PCM and FM) and the rest are 7 I think, all are Futaba...not sure about receivers without TX, can wait...


Just a suggestion, wouldn't it be a lot easier if you posted the actual model numbers of everything ?

There are so many kinds (PPM/PCM, single/dual conversion, full/mini crystal etc) it is just a lot easier for the buyer to understand what exactly is being offered.
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Thanks Anwar, I agree...all receivers except one which is FM are 7 channel PCM, dual conversion, will come back with more details if anyone interested ! Best, GE


Do these belong to you? Were you flying these or are you selling for some one else?
The Rx being declared 9ch and then 7 Ch do throw up some questions.
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


Do they throw up questions indeed and of what kind my friend ! Either way, if interested let me know, mail me and we can speak..


Regarding my interest please scroll up to the second post.
As for questions, we are yet to even see the model number of these Rx   
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com