Slow stick NIB (yellow)

Started by buzz_rc, August 26, 2010, 08:45:27 PM

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 For sale : Slow stick (GWS)

Complete kit with no power system NIB.... expected price 3000 with shipping anywhere in india.

Length          954 mm  (37.6 in)
Wing Span     1176 mm (46.3 in)
Wing Area      32.64 dmĀ² (505.9 sq in)
Flying Weight  405~440 g (14.3~15.5 oz)


Hi buzz_rc

Please do post the pictures

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


Sorry for Change in topic:

Anwar can we have it compulsory to post few pics with the sale? If there is no pic, then the thread should be blocked.

I remember that on computer sites like erodov/techenclave, the seller is supposed to take a photo of the item he is selling along with a slip on which his login ID / Current date is hand written kept beside the product. This ensures that the pic is displaying the product with the latest date (in other terms latest condition) and since there is a login ID written on the slip, it indicates that the product belongs to him and he is not showing someone else's product pic stolen from the internet.

Also it should be the sellers responsibility to make sure that the product reaches the buyer safely. Since it all depends on the type of packaging that the seller does many of the times. Its never a Buyers mistake if the product reaches in a wrong condition unless the buyer opted for an ultra cheap shipping. (I still remember my friend receiving a bent grafix card worth 9000 rs, because the seller packed it carelessly.)

Also it is good if the person mentions Age(if not used, then the shelf age), Original price(Optional), Shipping price (to all over India if possible), details of the engine - servos etc, number of flights done. etc Coz the buyer has every right to know all these.

Sorry buzz_rc for High jacking your thread. :salute: But one day it is inevitable that we will be in both the buyer as well as sellers place.  ;) Iam just telling this so that all transaction happens successfully and all are happy at the end. And I also see that in most of the for-sale threads, the first post will be, "Can you please post a pic?"


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I agree, some of them are mentioned in that thread, but isnt it good that if these rules are made mandatory? I have seen that on the computer forums that making mandatory has worked very well indeed.


I have always posted pictures for every item that I have sold using this forum. I have published this post as a favor to a friend who was having problems using this forum. The kit does not belong to me, it is brand new so I think that a picture on the manufacturer's website should suffice. I have requested for the pictures, I will edit the post as soon as I get the pictures...


slow stick eps 400c available in just for rs 1450 but now out of stock


Quote from: rajsigma on August 27, 2010, 09:53:35 PM
slow stick eps 400c available in just for rs 1450 but now out of stock

Sir, with due apologies to all, I don't think this is in good taste. Posting lower prices / alternate sources on a sale thread posted by a forum member is an insult to the seller concerned. Every seller is at liberty to charge whatever price he wishes to. It is upto the buyer to be careful (caveat emptor) and decide whether or not he wishes to buy from him. If one has to make others aware of cheaper deals, IMHO, we should start a separate thread.

Rajsigma, no offence meant to you, but I wouldn't like it if this was done to me, especially if this item was out of stock at the source mentioned.

My apologies again, if I have offended anyone. I'm just empathising with Buzz.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Everybody is free to make their own decision as everyone has a different perspective of looking at things. My friend brought this kit for 2750 so he is selling it for the same price (for local pick-up, 3000 with shipping).He just wants to buy another airplane as he already has a slow stick and wants to advance to the next level of flying...To start with, the kit is really not that expensive but one must understand that there are several factors that may influence the price of the item (place of purchase, customs,exchange rate, etc) a big hobby shop like the one mentioned can buy directly from the manufacturer and further bring down the cost buy buying in bulk...... the kit is currently out of stock, so it is a good possibility that the prices have not been updated for quiet some time...........
Mr. VC ,your opinion is greatly appreciated.



Allow me to be the devil's advocate.

I disagree with VC.Whereas a seller may be free to ask for whatever they wan't, posting of a  street price would help people who would not know, otherwise The buyer could  then decide whether the premium he/she is paying is worth it.

I would not consider this lowballing but dissemination of information for the benefit of the uninformed.

And buzz, absolutely no offence meant. This is not a personal thing but a general thought.
Hangar: Zlin 50L -120, CMPro Super Chipmunk, Ultimate Bipe EP, Imagine 50, Christen Eagle 160, Ultra Stick, Super Sports Senior


if you want to buy it from rotor .com please go ahead and do so MR Rajsigma its been out of stock since over 4 months and they are not expecting sock anytime soon ,,no one forcing you for this deal if you have the money show it or else y do you wanna waste your time typing


Quote from: sushil_anand on August 28, 2010, 11:44:09 AM
Allow me to be the devil's advocate.

I disagree with VC.Whereas a seller may be free to ask for whatever they wan't, posting of a  street price would help people who would not know, otherwise The buyer could  then decide whether the premium he/she is paying is worth it.

I would first PM the Seller if there was a gross discrepancy in prices, rather than declare it on the open forum. But hey, that is the way I would do things. It may not apply to all concerned. :thumbsup:

By the way PVN 2000, That is a rather harsh comment on your part directed at Rajsigma. I don't think that was called for. In his own way, I am sure he is right in what he has done. While I may disagree with his thinking, I certainly would apologise to him for having made such an outrageous comment against him. Rajsigma is one of the senior most members on this forum, I now feel it is my fault that you have shot off this post, without thinking, against him.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


I commented cause rc for all is selling it for 2750 + courier works out to be 3000 y dint he mention that ,,y the parallel investigation and comments on product cost I think that should to be left  for the seller to decide ,,,also what he did was nothing senior like posting comments for all to see as u said he should have send it as a PM ,,iam sorry dint mean to get personal just expressive


I do not see anything wrong with pointing out economic realities.  Lowballing is all another issue, but providing pointers to publicly available deals does sound like the right thing.  Anything one has bought loses its value (even if NIB), that is just a fact of life we all have to deal with ! 
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I guess its ok to post street prices as it puts things in perspective and educates the inexperienced.  Buzz will surely have his reasons for the price put up and its upto the buyer to make the decission. Rotor may have it for less but buzz is offering it NOW. I checked prices of a heli on a site for which the price on our forum was 500 more, on the other hand the product on the site was "out of stock" since 6 months!  :(
So both rajsigma and buzz are in the clear. Rajsigma just said its Rs.1450 and NOTHING ELSE. 



check out the slow stick available from another source

Price is almost same Rs 3100 and the seller is also a forum member.


this is exactly what i mentioned above,..


Quote from: rajsigma on August 27, 2010, 09:53:35 PM
slow stick eps 400c available in just for rs 1450 but now out of stock
Rotor price is 1450/- + packaging + VAT = will come to around 2100/- correct me if i am wrong!!!
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


you are rite ,,its a non update price they are out of stock since more than 4 months and not expecting stock anytime soon, i had called them to order one


Quote from: vinay on August 27, 2010, 08:53:36 AM
Also it should be the sellers responsibility to make sure that the product reaches the buyer safely. Since it all depends on the type of packaging that the seller does many of the times. Its never a Buyers mistake if the product reaches in a wrong condition unless the buyer opted for an ultra cheap shipping. (I still remember my friend receiving a bent grafix card worth 9000 rs, because the seller packed it carelessly.)


If anyone wants to buying this plane then buy it and close this topic. Its gotten very annoying now.
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


This thread is closed as I have SOLD the slow stick!