tomahawk vx nitro rc drifting car n some cool accessories for sale

Started by manjeetdhillon4u, January 20, 2010, 06:00:23 PM

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almost new tomahawk vx 1/10 nitro powered touring car for only a few tanks hardly 4 - 5 tanks, in excellent condition.
reason to sell is that here the fuel is unavailable (i have to make it) n also i want to get into airplanes n helli's. pack includes fully assembled car with engine mounted and 2 channel AM radio (ace jaguar) pistol style.

other details:-
engine:-thunder tiger Pro 18-bx (3.0cc) engine (with pull starter)
drive system:- 4WD
body:- pre painted with decals
type:- nitro powered drifting car n body is ford GTA

package also includes :- all free of cost.
1:-glow booster with battery meter, charger n battery(sanyo 1800mah)
2:-rechargable cells for transmitter (total 8 cells :-niCd 800 mah,with charger)
3:-rechargable cells for receiver (total 4 cells :- niMh 2100 mah,with charger)
4:-cross wrench(8,9,10,12mm)
5:-cross wrench(4,5,5.5,7mm)
6:-OS #8 glow plugs - 4 pcs
7:-i also have a bottle of 400ml of nitro methane chemical.if u need then i can give it free of cost.(you can add this nitro to ur fuel to increase the power.

asking price:- 15k+shipping
intrested ones can call or sms me at :-09780948809
or mail me at
.........................................................................n sory for my bad english.............................................................


could u post some recent pics and close ups of the intended car, i would be interested if it is in good condition and with a little more bargaining, like everyone says we in India are the best bargainers, i have helis for slae if u r interested as i am jumping from helis to cars.


ok , i m uploading the photos of the car.........


i will also trade with intermidate level helis....... (:|~
if anybody intrested...................please.


gud news to all of u............price dropped to 12k including shipping............. {:)}


some more pics of package...........


some more pics




Everything sold ? Can we lock this and move it to the "Completed" board ?
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