RC India

RC Baazar => For Sale => Topic started by: VC on August 13, 2010, 10:35:33 PM

Title: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 13, 2010, 10:35:33 PM
I have been able to book 4 pcs of this rather large glider kit. This is definitely NOT for beginners. I suppose it can be converted to RC with a bit of effort.

Towline Glider
Length 40 inches (101 cm) approx
Wingspan 52 inches (135 cm) approx
Polyhedral wing design
Solid wood fuselage
Balsa and tissue wing and tailplane construction

Price Rs. 1100/- + Courier charges ( Big packet thus the bigger couriers may charge volumetric weights). I will try to send it through couriers who will charge below Rs.250/- per consignment.

Manufacturer claims it to be a classic design and has supplied some indicative photographs.

Please note that if the actual model (once I receive the kits) does not match the picture, I will not be selling it. You may book them, but please do not ask for my bank details for payment. I will accept payment only once I am satisfied that I am selling what is shown in the pictures ( or at least bears a close resemblance to it!)

One already booked by Verma, so only 3 more remaining.

Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 13, 2010, 11:06:32 PM
One booked for Akky, tentatively.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: vanhem on August 14, 2010, 01:59:06 PM
i am interested in the glider
pls advise your mobile no#
how to make payments
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 14, 2010, 03:29:53 PM
Vanhem, thanks for your interest. Booking one for you. Will revert with all details once I am ready to despatch.

Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: ANTA on August 14, 2010, 03:56:09 PM
PM sent.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 14, 2010, 04:01:51 PM
One booked for Anta. Last piece remaining.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 14, 2010, 07:31:38 PM
One reserved for Prateek.

If there are any more takers by this evening, I can incorporate it into my order for the first lot, which will arrive end of next week. Expect to despatch by 25th of August.


Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: Dreamliner on August 14, 2010, 08:32:55 PM

Is it an undercambered wing
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 14, 2010, 09:34:23 PM
Will check and revert.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 14, 2010, 09:40:13 PM
Yes, it has an undercambered wing.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 14, 2010, 11:36:26 PM
Closing booking for the first consignment:

Verma X 1
vanhem X 1
Anta X 1
Prateek X 1

Thanks everyone. The Glider Shop is grateful to you for your support.

Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 15, 2010, 12:41:26 PM
Dear All,

Please let me have your mailing address as soon as possible so that I can calculate the exact courier charges for your consignments. I propose to despatch through First Flight or Professional Couriers - whichever works out cheaper. Individual PM's have been sent to all.


Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: Nehutech on August 15, 2010, 01:00:39 PM
do u have any tow line glider left plz
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 15, 2010, 01:06:58 PM
One last piece that I can give if you book immediately. Next stocks expected end August.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 17, 2010, 10:24:13 AM
Prateek13 has pulled out for now. One last piece remaining. If someone wants it, pl let me know immediately.

Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: atul_pg on August 17, 2010, 10:36:06 AM
Hi VC,

I would like to buy one, but want to see the exact pics of the model and then I will confirm.

Is this fine ?


atul g.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 17, 2010, 07:17:12 PM
Verma X 1 - Payment received - Thanks!
Vanhem X 1 - Request you to expedite payment via online transfer and confirm to me.
Anta X 1 - Payment received - Thanks!

Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 17, 2010, 07:19:35 PM
Quote from: atul_pg on August 17, 2010, 10:36:06 AM
Hi VC,

I would like to buy one, but want to see the exact pics of the model and then I will confirm.

Is this fine ?


atul g.

Sure. I will post pictures as soon as I receive stocks. Thanks for showing interest.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 20, 2010, 01:02:44 AM
Quote from: VC on August 17, 2010, 07:17:12 PM
Verma X 1 - Payment received - Thanks!
Vanhem X 1 - Request you to expedite payment via online transfer and confirm to me.
Anta X 1 - Payment received - Thanks!
prateek13 - order cancelled.

Postponing the order of Vanhem to the second consignment and confirming the orders of Verma and Anta to the manufacturer. I should be in a position to despatch to Anta and Verma by the 27th of this month, give or take a couple of days. Thank you for bearing with me.

Vanhem, the faster you remit the money, the sooner I can get the glider booked and deliver it to you.


Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on August 20, 2010, 01:20:47 AM
Atul_pg and Nehal, I will post pictures soon. Pl give me a few days time.

Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on September 01, 2010, 02:41:11 PM
This, in fact turned out to be a 64 inch Wingspan Glider! Yes, it does purport to be exactly what is shown in the pictures above. However, this is definitely not for someone who has never built a good old fashioned balsa frame and spar and tissue paper model before. Beware!

Anta, Verma and Vanhem, your consignments are being despatched today. Will provide you with the tracking number by this evening. Thank you, once again, for bearing the delay. :salute:
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: Verma on September 04, 2010, 09:50:36 PM
Dear Mr VC,
                   (:|~ Received the consignment sent by you today at 1600h. Initially was quite scared  :o to see the package as it was really travel worn in spite of the good packaging :thumbsup:. Of course I let the DTDC guy really have it >:D :banghead: ;D :giggle: though he claimed his innocence (don't they all). I'll up load the images later. What surprised me was the 64" glider :giggle:. It turned out to be the old faithful INCHWORM. I had possessed this one way long back (1982-86) and still remember it to be a great model which I experimented a lot with (changed the fuselage much later with an Aluminum rod, also flew it with a wide variety of thermocole wings). So it was pure nostalgia :thumbsup: for me. What saved the day was the careful packing in bubble wrap and plastic by you. Any damage?? sure! VERY MINOR {:)} a few broken spars. Not a big deal at all. My kids and nephew are already impatient to get the 2 x Eurus up and about already. Went about preparations of pins n sandpaper n paper knives all evening. So, THANKS FOR MAKING MY DAY!! {:)} (:|~ {:)} :thumbsup: :giggle: And my coming few days.
Best wishes,
           best of luck and warm regards,
                                                    Rajat Verma
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: Verma on September 04, 2010, 09:56:42 PM
In fact the other one I flew during the same time was LUCIFER. Another great model. But by then I (we- my friend and I) had already started designing and constructing and flying our own designs with a lot of different materials. Aluminum, thermacole etc. Most designs were in the 6' (180 cms) and beyond by then.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on September 04, 2010, 10:02:32 PM
I haven't exactly had a great day today Group Capt. Thank you bringing in a ray of sunshine at 22:00 hours! God bless.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: Verma on September 04, 2010, 10:36:00 PM
Dear Mr VC,
                that's why I publicly posted instead of giving you a PM. I saw the posts on 'Beautiful gliders'. Hang on Sir! You did good. BTW the INCHWORM was flown by me not in 1980s but during 1978-1981. Will send you a PM tomorrow.
Best regards,
Rajat Verma
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on September 04, 2010, 10:59:18 PM
Thank you Sir! In that case you were / are ahead of me, as in 1978 I was flying the beginners Magpie glider.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: jonboy20 on September 09, 2010, 01:35:29 PM
Hello VC,
Do You still have any glider kits still left or are they still more to come??
If I want to convert this towline glider to Electric....Is it possible??
Is this just a Stick fuse or is it hollow where I can place my Rc electronics like Rx ,ESC ,battery etc.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: jonboy20 on September 11, 2010, 12:19:09 AM
 ???No reply....
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on September 11, 2010, 12:24:24 AM
Hi there.

Sorry for the delay, must have missed this. I can get you this glider again (it will take about 2 weeks)  but I take no guarantee about the electrification or RC'ing process. It is a stick fuse, so your ESC, Rx, battery and servos would have to be attached in any way possible. Sorry but I can't guide you as I haven't done it myself. Seniors please chip in and help.


Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: saikat on September 11, 2010, 07:03:21 AM
It can be done - but why ??

If you have the itch to put RC - there are many better

The inchworm is a lovely A2 class free flight
glider with something called an autorudder.

What is an "autorudder" ??

You'll have to buy the kit to find out.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: jonboy20 on September 12, 2010, 11:17:03 PM
 Thanks VC .....and also thanks Saikat for your Advice.
The 1954 inch worm is a A2 contest glider I learn....about the auto rudder ????well where can I lay my hands on some plans for the inch worm or the kit ???
Looks exciting....what is the wing span size of this free flight model???
I have a friend who flew free flight models fitted with small desiel engines....He lost 2 models+ Engines in flying them at Mahalaxmi race course
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: VC on September 12, 2010, 11:30:03 PM
64 inches wingspan - Price Rs.1100/- plus postage (Rs.200/- calculated volumetrically). Let me know if you are interested.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: akky on September 13, 2010, 06:37:12 AM
the auto rudder works with a ballast key timer fitted at the nose of the fuse.. Will  try to put its pic
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: saikat on September 13, 2010, 07:18:55 AM

this is not the arrangement on the inchworm.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: anwarulhaq on September 13, 2010, 08:34:57 PM
Auto-Rudder is an arrangement to give neutral rudder while towing the glider and once the glider is release from the tow line the rudder is activated to give the glider a turn either right of left. This arrangement keeps the glider turning into the wind and to sustain the glider up for a longer time.
Title: Re: 52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider
Post by: saikat on September 13, 2010, 10:22:47 PM
yep -  thats it

good show Mr.Anwar ul haq