52 inch wingspan Tow Line Glider

Started by VC, August 13, 2010, 10:35:33 PM

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Thank you Sir! In that case you were / are ahead of me, as in 1978 I was flying the beginners Magpie glider.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Hello VC,
Do You still have any glider kits still left or are they still more to come??
If I want to convert this towline glider to Electric....Is it possible??
Is this just a Stick fuse or is it hollow where I can place my Rc electronics like Rx ,ESC ,battery etc.



Hi there.

Sorry for the delay, must have missed this. I can get you this glider again (it will take about 2 weeks)  but I take no guarantee about the electrification or RC'ing process. It is a stick fuse, so your ESC, Rx, battery and servos would have to be attached in any way possible. Sorry but I can't guide you as I haven't done it myself. Seniors please chip in and help.


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


It can be done - but why ??

If you have the itch to put RC - there are many better

The inchworm is a lovely A2 class free flight
glider with something called an autorudder.

What is an "autorudder" ??

You'll have to buy the kit to find out.


 Thanks VC .....and also thanks Saikat for your Advice.
The 1954 inch worm is a A2 contest glider I learn....about the auto rudder ????well where can I lay my hands on some plans for the inch worm or the kit ???
Looks exciting....what is the wing span size of this free flight model???
I have a friend who flew free flight models fitted with small desiel engines....He lost 2 models+ Engines in flying them at Mahalaxmi race course


64 inches wingspan - Price Rs.1100/- plus postage (Rs.200/- calculated volumetrically). Let me know if you are interested.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


the auto rudder works with a ballast key timer fitted at the nose of the fuse.. Will  try to put its pic
Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings



this is not the arrangement on the inchworm.


Auto-Rudder is an arrangement to give neutral rudder while towing the glider and once the glider is release from the tow line the rudder is activated to give the glider a turn either right of left. This arrangement keeps the glider turning into the wind and to sustain the glider up for a longer time.


yep -  thats it

good show Mr.Anwar ul haq