Started by RcBharat, May 16, 2012, 03:58:57 PM

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Amit.. no issue.. i am used with it.. by years.. :salute:


Dear Sir,
Eagerly waiting for news on the Low-winger as well  :bow:.


All respected Modellers.. please give me a little time extra.. because, to avoid weight, it is not possible to add hardners in PU base paint here, so taking a bitter time to dry.. and sadly, not possible to keep under sun, as prolonged exposure to sun may warp the structure.. still paint is some tacky.. fear of finger prints while handling.. may mar the finish.. one more day.. will update all with decal works..  and have two types of low winger, is flat cock pit, and one with glazed cockpit, ressembles the WW2 fighter.. sorry for the delay from my side once again.. here while making RC air crafts, have to keep a great aspect in mind.. the weight.. so, cant use now and then materials.. so the paints.. :salute:


Quote from: ujjwaana on May 16, 2012, 04:32:26 PM
With all due appreciation to your efforts, please avoid using such Dogmatic phrase like "BEST BEGINNER PLANE EVER" ...

I think it is a really good aircraft for beginners. I saw Vinod Flying it and I tried it out once too... Its pretty good for the price and It sure can take a bit of pounding in terms of Rough landing. Its quite sturdy and heavy so it flies well in slightly windy conditions. Small bruises seems easy to repair from. You can do a bit of tricks with plane and it has enough power to pull of loops and stuff too... :)
I placed an order for 2. :)




Eobin.. million thanks for the real experience.. and yes, 1000 times my efforts are same, as i felt this one is as nice.. sure need some trimming in initial flight, then, recharge it and fly.. and waiting to get all feedbacks from all to make this craft even more friendly..

some updates.. all respected Modellers.. my idea was to courier these machines to Sai, and was waiting for it.. but a serious matter came in to play as, the wing span goes in to 50 inch, the courier charge will rise to a great extent as they all calculates in volumetric manner.. so, at presnt i am remaking all wings in to two pieces, and with reinforcing additions, at modellers hands.. so, still making wings in to two pieces.. complete it fast as possible, and will courier it all to Sai.. including the low winger..
here some more paint schemes..


roopesh Sir Low winger photographs ??????
Planes: Sky Surfer| Jpower Cessna182 | Seagull Boomerang
Radio : Futaba 7C


this one is finished in ambient silver and streak blue.. stunning combination.. new wings in the making..


Chintu.. adding one by one..
for WW2 enthusists.. the shark teeth.. yellow with warm vilot.. stunning..? yea..?  (:|~


very niceee roopesh sirr.... love the color scheme....:) :thumbsup: {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}


these bright colours is easy to see even at long distances.. and will add yellow and black stripes under each wing, of each aircraft, for great orientation..


Thank you Pradeepji.. its all my humble efforts..  :salute: and dreams the colourful machines flies quietly in the bright sky..  (:|~ (:|~ (:|~


at the end of the day we all are sailing in the same boat... lets give the new comers a bright star!!!what say:)heheh :giggle: :salute: :salute:


Great colors Roopesh Sir :hatsoff:

Never ever thought one could make such wonders with Coro :hatsoff:
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no.. Pradeepji, i am not in to any business.. and requested to Sai, to find an appropriate person to carry on this work, for the goodness of RCying near to him.. and hope he will find a good artistic person to carry on this work.. and i must be back in to my creative side with my modelling..  :salute:

more updates cond: :salute:


yes Sai, i have to use 100 % of my gift here.. to serve you all by my humble modelling... and adding two cammouflage schems for military air craft enthusists.. adding more.. still working..  :salute:



Absolute beauty.  So stunning colors.  :bow:
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Wow...Wonderful color scheme. Plane looks strong and beautiful.  :bow:
Great efforts Roopesh Sir....  :thumbsup:


Good Job Roopesh ,, very nicely painted , +1 :hatsoff:


roopesh sir are these planes 100% depron or you have used any coro in them. what is the AUW of planes and thrust of motor. just wanted to know for my build as you have seen in my other thread, 500 gms weight is a failure for Emax cf2822 motor.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


Vinoetta.. with grace and blessings from you all.. :salute:
Cod, this plane is 100% coro sheet.. no any other material is used, except balsa wood strips for reinforcements of wing structure as spars, and fuselage cornering.. i kept it all maximum square in shape, because of the easy of making, and easy of repair.. and tried cutting for maximum extent.. the All Up Weight of this plane, with 2200 mA/H battery is 1050 grams, including nose weight ballast.. i kept it as a little heavy, to achieve good stability.. with a mere 1200 mA/H battery it will be 850 grams.. and this one is big plane, with a wing span of 50 inches.. big, more stable.. so, you must need a good motor, rated at 880 RPM/Volt, or 1000, 1200, RPM/Volt, with at least 240 watt of capacity.. and surely a 9X6 electric slow fly proppeller.. with light motor, this one will not enter in flight.. you can also use bell type motors with appropriate props, in to 780 RPM, or 1000 RPM/Volt.. with above metioned motor set up this one flies nicely.. and need only about half throttle at, good flight time and confidance.. ESC must be 30 Amps at least..  :thumbsup:


i am confused, i have emax cf2822 (1400 kv) isnt that powerful?
i mean higher kv means more power or its something else?

is that a bell motor, please clear some of my concepts regarding motors.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


Cod, you are wrong.. more kv.. not more power.. we can see even tiny motors with 1000 kv.. but here once again.. repeating.. you must look in to the WATTAGE of the used motor.. example.. if you have a motor with 1000 kv, in to 80 watt, the power handling capacity of this motor will be less.. means, at load, motor struggles.. and eventually burns off.. but if you have a motor in to 1000 kv with a wattage of 250.. things will be different.. motor handles the situation easily, and lots of power will be at hand as researve.. you can calculate this ratio by lots of complicated formulas.. but need nothing here as you can see the instruction leaflet provided with the motor, when you buy it.. and if the purchased motor is not with instructions ,please avoid to buy such motors.. because, manufactures must instruct us, about the power handling capacity, RPM /Volts, needed proppelers, needed ESC specs, and battery needs and its ratings at 2 cell and 3 cell.. one of the good motors are to me from DYS company.. and to me and to my Colleagues these motors are words of trust, as we were using these marvels about two years rigourously.. and one of them failed.. here, for a good 48, 50 inch spanned carft need a good quality motor, rated at 880, to 1200 kv, sith a WATTAGE of 240 or more at least..  or you can search the hobby king for blue coloured bell type motors..  :thumbsup:


 :salute: i will get some high power motors and try again with some other plane. thanks sir
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


and sir.... your plane is awesome and color scheme done by rcbharat are amazing. :salute:
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...