Started by RcBharat, May 16, 2012, 03:58:57 PM

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Speed Controller 40 amp

Stock Number: AEW-1004

Rs. 1096.00

Stock Status:

Constant Current: 40A
Burst Current: 50A
Battery: 2-4S Lipoly /6-16.4 Volts NiXX
Motor Type: Sensorless Brushless
Size: 45 x 24 x 9 mm
Weight: 39g  this was the speed controller..

Gotech 9g Micro Servo

Stock Number: AEW-1152

Rs. 270.00

Stock Status:

Dimensions (mm): 22 x 12 x 29
Voltage (V): 4.8~6
Speed (In sec/60°): 0.12/0.10
Torque (Kg-cm): 1.1/1.5
Weight (g): 9.0
and these was servos.. with these set ups, it flown well..


about craft.. i told you my dream is not a busines.. but, making a coro plane is easy.. but finishing it is some tough job.. one main criteria is its type of paint.. tried with various paints.. but found heavy, as i have to spray lots of coat over it.. so, decided to take PU paint, as one coat gives a better finish, and smooth surface.. but PU paints are much costly.. so, at present, i am reworking on same, as reduce the cost, with Sai, with less cost paints.. hope works .. and need one full balsa sheet to reinforce whole craft.. a sheet of 4 mm balsa costs about 300+ and courier extra.. without balsa reinforcement, the craft will be a mess.. even the plywoods are good quality light weight.. so, by this time managed to make some new fuses, for less cost paint job.. i am making each craft with hands.. and no magics.. still love this one.. much.. I am living in Kerala state.. in Chombala..near Calicut district.. Sai is far away from me.. to send 5 aircrafts in two seperate plywood boxes, how much i need..? can i send him in a card board box..? and i must need a help from some one, and Gokul, is helping me a lots.. have to pay him something.. so, whats the cost of an aircraft..?


my dream is only the promotion of RCying in a good scale, possible by me.. and still i never claim this craft is an amazing machine, or so, but is my dedication and hardwork.. and still trying to manage to cut the making cost to minimum possible.. and hope my efforts may become positive.. and requested Seniors to take a test flight, and to guide me to make even more good craft for my Friends.. to me, this is a mission.. not a business..


and hope that i can meet my words to Sai, with my bad health.. have to rework all.. cutting down cost.. but can oly a little.. and the Elactronics from Sai, is best, as we can see.. hope this combination works out.. with great hope.. :salute:


Sir, the real value of a plane is far more than 7000, 10000 or even 20000 Rs.
The heart of the modeler triumphs over every flight and sinks over the crash!
Reminded me of those magical lines from 'The Prestige' :

Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige"."

Hope folks understand every modeler lives for "The Prestige".  :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:


Karun, each and every crafts are crafted with equal care and dedication.. so, expecting grace from God and from Seniors.. any guidance, tips and advices to make this craft more versatile is invited.. thanks for your words.. :hatsoff:


Quote from: roopeshkrishna on May 17, 2012, 03:22:37 AM
Karun, each and every crafts are crafted with equal care and dedication.. so, expecting grace from God and from Seniors.. any guidance, tips and advices to make this craft more versatile is invited.. thanks for your words.. :hatsoff:
can i talk roopesh ?


If i want to buy it why is it now it will cost me 7599 :Rs: and shipping is 3000 :help:
Well it is a very good plane after all :bow:
7599 is the discounted price


If i want to buy it why is it now it will cost me 7599 :Rs: and shipping is 3000 :help:
Well it is a very good plane after all :bow:
7599 is the discounted price


The shipping is not 3000/- :banghead: :banghead:
It is the amount to be payed to book one.

and the discounted price is 6890 including shipping.
and only 3 more left to avail the discount

And the point behind the discount is to hear the voice of real people flying it rather than making prejudice !!
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Dear Sirs,
Will this be available as a DIY kit, or would you be sending it in ARF form?


Any updates on the arrival date ?  ;D ;D


Karun.. painstakingly working on.. and completed .. will update by tomorrow.. and will shipped to Sai, soon..


Quote from: aXedge on May 17, 2012, 03:42:27 PM
Dear Sirs,
Will this be available as a DIY kit, or would you be sending it in ARF form?

The plane will be 95% pre assembled and a digital tutorial will be given with the box.
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what is that digital tutorial ?


are selling a rx and tx with it


Quote from: rajsigma on May 17, 2012, 10:30:17 PM
what is that digital tutorial ?

Manual,a few flying videos, etc in a CD
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Dear Folks, why are we comparing prices between a 'handcrafted' product and a 'mass produced-machine made" aircraft.
Anything made in huge volume is always going to be cheaper...
If somebody is going to customize and made a handful which soon would be "collectors" items, these Naturally must come with a premium... when hobby'king' reduces their prices, no one suffers... when these small modelers who are not Stealing our money do the same, they dont get by sweat equity... let alone their cup o tea.

I know that only coz of Roopesh's passion he'll continue to build till this last day... but most other people would be more discouraged than encouraged...

we are the same people who'll pay tru our nose - in black... to get a 'first day first show' ticket...   :giggle: 

Bottom line - this is not Charity for Roopesh but his heart of Charity has caused him to model, find a seller and his product to Us.

folks lets have some dignity - Live and let Live... folks who what this plane will go and get it and will ask for the discounts if they cant afford it...

I have to make mention of the many such people on our forum who regularly reduced prices and offer weekend 'sale' etc to promote the hobby...

to close - when Electricity goes in the USA the Govt checks the Power plants, If the same happens in Japan, the people check all their fuses... but if it happens in India... we look at the neighbors home... if there is no power there, then its OK.....  ;D

Lets wise up!

Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


as mentioned "we njoy in what we get people".. happy landings  {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}


Quote from: FlyJoe on May 18, 2012, 09:16:34 AM

to close - when Electricity goes in the USA the Govt checks the Power plants, If the same happens in Japan, the people check all their fuses... but if it happens in India... we look at the neighbors home... if there is no power there, then its OK.....  ;D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


#Bring it on flyer


Quote from: FlyJoe on May 18, 2012, 09:16:34 AM
.but if it happens in India... we look at the neighbors home... if there is no power there, then its OK

Joe ! isnt it more logical thing to do ? if there is no electricity in the neighbourhood also, why check the fuse or the powerplant ? Sit tight, electricicty will be back, if not antakshari, candle light, and early dinner. ? that is fun too, my village in keral did not have electricity until late 80s.  Some people in some other parts of the world will indulge in looting and arson, when the electricity goes (See this movie if possible, a true story happened in 2003

having said that,

Book one for me, let me fly it more aggressive and prove it that she can fly agressive too ! what say ?

Roopesh can you customise it, basically write my name on it and a RCI logo ?
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.



Sure Sir, booked one for you.

Regarding the customization part, I'll speak with Roopesh Sir and get it done.
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Is only the air frame available?


Point of view from a beginner:

What I observed there are 2 types of guys in RC aero modelling:

1. Those who enjoys scratch building (wants to make everything from scratch and than enjoy flying, scratch building gives them more joy).
2. Those who enjoys flying (buy ARF kits and actually flying gives them more joy).

For scratch builders this price may look higher initially, but on the long run you get the experience of a expert who at the design and building level eliminates all the issues in aerodynamics of the plane. For me till now I have invested much more than 7500 and still I don't have a flying plane, though I am enjoying the hassles and struggle. For scratch builders a good initiative will be to give out building plans of this beautiful plane.

For guys who enjoys flying this looks an good deal. You get a ready to fly plane without any hassles or making adjustments.

Moreover, I agree to what VC said...."anything designed by Roopesh HAS to be a success."  :thumbsup: