Radios, Hobbyking KK board, etc. for sale!

Started by rishabhbarma, September 08, 2015, 03:14:30 PM

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Saleeeeeeeeeee! xD Prices are slightly negotiable.
I have the following items for sale:

1. Hobbyking KK2.1.5 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board (Just opened and tested)
Price- 1900 incl. shipping

2. Avionic Rcb6i 2.4ghz 6ch radio (Just opened and tested, works perfectly)
Price- 3000 incl. shipping

3. Airfield 6ch 2.4ghz  radio -[ Includes 4ch tx and 6ch rx ](used for 3 months)
Price- Rs. 1500 incl. shipping

4. FMS 2.4ghz 4ch radio - [includes 4ch tx and rx] (used for 5 months.)
Price- Rs. 1300 incl. shipping.

5. 2 pcs Turnigy nanotech 3.7v 600mah 35-70C lipo
Price- Rs. 600 each.

Interested buyers only, call/WhatsApp me on 8697468905.




I am interested in airfield 6ch, how do you save models in it



Custom Spray painted Flysky TH-9x, RCB6i, FS-T6.
3 x FT Spitfire, FT Storch, nnChipmunk, Hydroplane.
F450 with custom made Multiwii and currently flying on KK2.1.5, Vtail quad with Naze32, Mini Tricopter with Flip32+, Pentacoptor with custom made Multiwii.

Flying is falling with style :D