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Started by sundaram, September 03, 2014, 09:16:49 AM

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ashok baijal

Pl book Hobbico Glow Starter with rechargeable cell. Am I the early bird?

Pl pm bank account details.


please put me next in queue for funjet motor. let me know if the price is negotiable..


@Baijal sir. One hobbico  booked for you with additional rechargeble sub C cell. PM sent. The second one withdrawn from sale to be retained.

@sarfraz. All three motors booked by Ahmed if he is not taking its booked for you.


Pls book wireless sim for me and pm bank details immediately if not sold already



Hobbyking SS Series 40-50A ESC (Opto only) Qty 03 Nos Rs 700 each Including shipping -> I will pickup one qty, please confirm availability so that I can transfer the amount, which could happen within 4-8hrs bank working hours.


Edit: @Bill, wireless sim already taken by me..



it's confirmed two ESC booked for Sujith and one for you.


One more Used Charger in excellent working condition for sale.

B6 Pro Charger. 1-6S Lipo 5 Amps Charging and 1 Amps discharging. Along with a compatible Good quality Toshiba Laptop adapter 15 Volts 5 Amps Power supply.
Capable of charging other Nimh, Nicad and Lead acid batteries too.

Product purchase link Original Price Rs 2915/- Charger only and Rs 1500/- Power supply Laptop store.

Is available as a complete package only for Rs 1800 Including shipping.


I have made a payment for - Hobbyking V3.1.
Shipping address & transfer details mailed to your hotmail ID sir.



Money receipt for Hobby King V3.1 confirmed from Kumar Babu.
Will Ship and confirm POD.


Items Money received balance to be shipped

Yash - AVER Media Product AverTV Express along with Orange Rx Firmware update tool. Awaiting shipping confirmation.
Sujith - 02 x 433 Mhz LRS Orange antenna. Awaiting additional purchase of 02 ESC 40-50 Amps and confirmation.
Krunal - E-Tech G105 AVCS Helicopter Gyro Qty 01 Nos
Arun Kumar - Hobbyking Multi Rottor  board V 2.1
Kumar Babu - HobbyKing Multi Rottor Board V 3.0
Rohan - HobbyKing Multi Rottor Board V 3.0
Baijal Sir - Hobbico Glow Booster with rechargeable C cell and an extra Sub C Cell.
Ashok Kumar - 01 x 40-50 Amps Hobbyking ESC. Awaiting shipping confirmation.


Sir, NEFT transfer initiated for rs.700/-.



May I request you to sell B6 Pro Charger separately. Kindly indicate the cost if Yes.



Sorry Nithin for the time being its a combined package till someone is taking power supply separately :banghead:. Even if you split it you might save Rs 400(Rs 1500 original price). Might as well take it with the Power supply which is good power supply never failed for the full power requirement of the charger everytime.

I have now two 10 Amps charger with inbuilt power supply and with 6 parallel charging boards and with additional 30 Amps and 10 Amps Power Supply. I really have no use for this 5 Amps power supply if left with me so I hope you can understand.


OK Nithin Barane has just given me PM for the power supply only.

If I split the package Rs 1400/- for the charger for Nithin and Rs 400 for the Power supply for Barane. I hope its OK with both of you. Both rates are inclusive of both the shipping charges. Now I have to bear double shipping. If any one feels the split is not OK please come to a compromise among yourself and let me know.

Edit : Original Price of both items updated at the product listing.


Sir I can add the adapter only, if Barane backs out and so Nithin can have the charger.


Noted Ashok. I assume you are ok with the split cost of the package.


Rs 400/- for the adapter is fine with me sir. Hope i assumed it correctly.


One more Absolutely brand new and unused Micro RC System I have for sale is a Hobbyking Super Micro 2.4 Ghz system Futaba Module, (this is available now through Fed Ex shipping only ex HobbyKing)  with three receivers,  two three channel Rx with built in Brushed ESC 2 Amps and one Five Channel Rx with built in two servos, Brushed built in 2 Amps ESC along with two compatible Lipos 130mah and a compatible USB lipo charger for them.  

The items are as listed out below with relevant links and Photo illustrations.

Qty 01
Rs 1250/-

Qty 02 Three Channel Rx Rs 950/- Each

Qty 01 Similar 5 3 Channel Rx of same cost but longer one now no longer listed. Initial listing error of 5 Channel is incorrect. Its a three channel receiver with two linear servos.  Correct picture updated later.  Rs 1350/-

Qty 02 130mah Lipo Single cell Rs 120 Each

Qty 01 USB Charger Single cell. Rs 180/-

Complete brand New package including Four brushed motors 720 and assorted props (Rs 280) in the package for Rs 5000/- Including Shipping (Rs 1250+ 950+950+1350+240+180+280= Rs 5200/-). The Price quoted is exactly less than hobbyking listed price less the shipping which I have incurred. You can get this set now via Fed Ex shipping only from Hobbyking which will add further 38$. So you are definitely getting it at a bargain.

Since the brand new package is already devalued, no negotiation or request for splinting of the package accepted please

This is a complete package which is needed to make atleast three micros. All you need is a micro motors brushed/brushless and props and I have already included four brushed motors 7mm 720 and assorted props. However to use the three channel receiver you need to fabricate two magnetic actuators each with both receivers.

This package can be used with any Radio with PPM out (Futaba type not the JR type) through the Trainer port which also supplies battery voltage. Please let me know which radio you have I can tell you the compatibility and how to connect this system through trainer port.


Ten sets of Brand new RCDhamaka 12 x 4.5 Multirottor plastic propeller pairs of CW & CCW in five colours 02 pairs red, 02 pairs orange, 02 pairs yellow, 02 pairs green, 02 pairs blue. Rs 120/- each pair and shipping of Rs 50 extra for each single or bulk purchase.


sir, if the futaba module is compatible with futaba 4ex fm then please book it for me along with a 3 ch reciever


Hobbyking Super micro package is non negotiable for any splitting.  Unless two or three of you agree among yourself to split the package amongst.
Without the module the other receivers are of no use to me or anyone I hope you understand.

No request for splitting the super micro package unless you find me buyers for the left over items.


For Sale Brand New GoPro Hero 3 Wifi Remote 02 Nos with all accessories and charging cable For Rs 4000 each including shipping and Qty 01 LCD Display Backpack Rs 5000/- including shipping.

Reason for selling since they are lying with me spare unused for some time. I don't see myself using them.


sir i want go pro lcd backpack



LCD Display Backpack booked for you Bhanu. The Back pack back doors not included in the photos earlier now updated.