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Started by sundaram, September 03, 2014, 09:16:49 AM

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 :thanks: got the delivery of rx,
thank you sundaram sir for nice packaging  :thanks:


satz flying

Any 2.4Ghz Signal Booster available?
Trust yourself


I have retained the last 2 watts booster for me. None for sale now.


@ Bhanu Second Rx POD



hello sir,  :bow:

i've got the delivery of rx thanks for nice packaging as always  :hatsoff:



Items still left are updated below.
All Brand New
Blue in colour.

Inrunner 2030 6320KV recomended for micro car/Heli application Rs 600 including shipping

Out runner 3516 3300KV for an 70mmEDF can support Lipo 3S and 4S and 800 watts of power. Rs 1300/- including shipping

Turnigy inrunner in the middle sold

For Sale Brand New GoPro Hero 3 Wifi Remote 02 Nos with all accessories and charging cable Price Reduced Rs 3000 each including shipping. Reason for selling since they are lying with me spare unused for some time. I don't see myself using them.

Absolutely brand New Dave Browns Engine mount for a 0.09 to 0.11 Size Glow engines with rail mount Rs 200 including shipping.

Rail mount for COX Engine Tee Dee type Engine 0.049 to 0.09 Rs 300 Including shipping.

Gyros and V Tail Mixers
All Brand New Never used but without their Original boxes
E-Tech G105 AVCS Helicopter Gyro 03 Nos
Cyclone Pizo Gyro 02 Nos
GWS Pizo Gyro 01 Nos
GWS V Tail Mixer 02 Nos
Micro V Tail Mixer 01 Nos
All Each Rs 650 plus Shipping of 50 per order single/bulk.


New Items added are

Brand New Unused Sulivan 1/2A Starter 12 Volts. Bought for Rs 3700 Including Shipping from Towers. willing to let go for Rs 3000/-

Will be able to start Engine size upto 0.12


MultiRotor Flight Controllers

Brand New Multiwii and Megapirate AIO Flight Controller w/FTDI (ATmega 2560) with Hard case for Rs 3100/- including Shipping.

Used Cirus MultiWii SE V2.5  Flight Controller Rs 1100/- including Shipping.


GPS and accessories

Brand New bought from NEO-6M Ublox u-blox GPS Module with on-board compass HMC5883l (compass) (mag) Rs 1500/- including Shipping

Super Bright LED
Blackplane with Standard Mk style mounting holes 45mm X 45mm
Ublox Neo 6M Chipset
Cable included
+ Moved LED to the Top
+ Bigger battery
+ compass on board
+ 6 pin connector for EZ connect to MEGA BLACK
+ 4 pin connector for only GPS use
+ 4 pin connecton for compass only use
+ GPS "PCB HOOD" for More EMI/RFI Shielding

– Main chip:U-BLOX NEO-6M
– C/A code,1.023MHz
– Receiver Frequency:L1 [1575.42MHz]
– Locate performance
– 2D :3m(Average)
– 2D:2m(average),with WAAS
– drifting<0.02m/s
– accuracy:1us
– coordinate system:WGS-84
– max attitude height:18000
– Max speed:515m/s
– accerlaration:<4g

– tracking sensitivity:-161dBm
– Capture sensitivity:-148dBm
– cold start time:38s average
– Warm start time:35s average
– hot start time:1s average
– Capture time:0.1s Average
– Temperature:40 to +80
– wide power supply voltage:+3.5V~+5.5V

Brand New HKPilot Micro GPS and Compass Module U-BLOX 7 (8g) bought from Hobby King Rs 1500/- including Shipping.


Damaged and now the internal Tracks repaired DJI NAZA Lite GPS with good GPS Lock and GPS hold tested for Rs 1200 including Shipping.

I2C Nav Board used Pins for FTDI Soldered on board for Rs 600 including Shipping.



Used Micro Quad in excellent condition with almost brand new frame just replaced three months back and flying stable hover with brand new props for Rs 5000/- including Shipping Just add your own receiver and trim your radio center and fly. Its already flashed with firmware Multiwii ver 2.4.

The receiver in the picture on the quad is not included in the sale

Capable to run on a 3S Lipo 1500mah.

Component list on the frame
MultiWii SE V2.0 Flight Controller
HobbyKing 6A ESC 0.5A UBEC x 4 All flashed with SimonK and shrink wrapped again.
18-11 2000kv Micro Brushless Outrunner (10g) x 4 All motors in excellent condition.
Turnigy Integrated PCB Micro-Quad V2 (Black) (KIT)
Hobbyking™ Propeller 5x3 Red and black (CW/CCW) one set.


Damaged and now the internal Tracks repaired DJI NAZA Lite GPS with good GPS Lock and GPS hold tested for Rs 1200 including Shipping. book it for me


Sir ac details please

K K Iyer

Will take the Dave Brown engine mount.
Someone has to preserve these for the future...
One man's junk is another man's treasure.
Last year i bought from saikat all the stuff his dad left him...
Need your a/c details.
Don't have them as so far you've only sent me stuff for free...


Interested in "NEO-6M Ublox u-blox GPS Module with on-board compass HMC5883l (compass) (mag)"

PM sent


DJI GPS blocked for Praveen

Neo 6M GPS blocked for Rooster

and Davis mount for Iyer Sir.


I backing out..for the neo 6M GPS..Apologies for blocking this for past 2 days


Payment received for DJI Naza repaired GPS and Davis Mount.


Unused Recoil Fuel Tubing Hobbico Rs 400/- including Shipping



Assembled 550 Quad in excellent condition with Used DT-700 Motors on a New frame just replaced this week and flying stable hover with brand new props for Rs 7000/- including Shipping Just add your own receiver and trim your radio center and fly. Its used Flight Controller KK 2.0 LCD already flashed with best firmware ver 1.6 and has a set of New HK SS 20 Amps ESC flashed with SimonK

The receiver in the picture on the quad is not included in the sale

Capable to run on a 3S Lipo 2200mah - 5000mah.

Component list on the frame if taking separate parts
Used KK 2.0 LCD Flight Controller in Hard Case flashed with best firmware ver 1.6. Rs 1500/- including shipping.
New HobbyKing SS 20A ESC 1.5A UBEC x 4 All flashed with SimonK and shrink wrapped again. Rs 650/- each including Shipping
DT-700 Brushless Outrunner x 4 All motors in excellent condition with Prop adapter. Rs 750 each including Shipping
Assembled New Quad 550 frame with brand new components Rs 1000/- including Shipping
Power distr board x 1 Rs 300 including Shipping
Propeller 10x4.5 (with two colours 2xCW/2xCCW) one set. Rs 300 including shipping Set


DJI NAZA LITE repaired GPS and Davis mount shipped


Used Nine Eagle Sky Runner in excellent flying condition Rs 3500/-  including shipping.

Its packed in its original packing box and a spare propellor and a 2S lipo charger. You Will need a 2S 200 mah lipo to fly it.