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Started by sundaram, September 03, 2014, 09:16:49 AM

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Please book frsky 9db patch for me. Thanks.


Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


3rd in for charger please if both back out.


Used X-Charger B-6 in excellent working condition capable of charging Lipo/ Life/ LiIo 1-6 cells , Nimh, Nicd, Lead acid 2-20V charger rating 5A charging and 1A discharging. You will have to get a Power supply 12-18V DC capable of 5A or more rating for supplying power to this charger. Rs 1200/- including shipping.

X-Charger booked for Nithin


hello sir please book hd wing camera for me
and waiting for radio list (:|~

Nithinraj Kotian

Life is Simple Don't Make it Complicated


HD Wing camera booked for DK

X-Charger booked for Nithin


USED 900 Mhz Audio video receiver with dual output and all four channel scanning function in preset time gap.

Frequency 0.910G,0.980G,1.010G,1.040G

Bought from Range video has done me really good service for long. No longer available in range video. Recently upgraded to second 900mhz to 1.3 Ghz SAW filter modified receiver from readymade RC used in diversity so selling this. Its in excellent working condition. very good for any one using 900Mhz video tx. Rs 1600 including shipping.

Booked for Gusty.


Thanks for booking the charger... Awaiting the whole list so that other items can be shipped together


sir plz book frsky antena for me
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Frsky 7DB antenna booked for Manoj


Is the 9db patch frsky compatible as well?



9DB already booked for Asimda. Yes both have same connectors 



BRAND NEW in sealed packing Hobby King 1.2Ghz 4 Channel AV Transmitter 700mW FPV (V2)

1.2Ghz 4 Channel AV Transmitter 700mW FPV (V2) Rs 1250/-  Including shipping.


I am signing off for the day remaining items will be posted tomorrow. :)



Any one backs out either the antenna or the charger, Please put me in the queue.


sundaram sir,

Please book the 2.4Ghz 7DB Antenna for FrSky Modules (And compatible Radios/Modules) Rs 350/- including shipping for me....
Please pm me the banking details.





Micro Quad using V939 on a X-Dart frame with motors and prop ready to fly. Any one with a flysky protocol transmitter can fly this quad by binding with it. I had made three but I have only one Flysky FS-T6. The frame being rugged only the props break in eventuality. I don't see myself using remaining two. One is already reserved for Gusty.

One is on sale. If Gusty not willing two are on sale. You get only the quad with four props and single Lipo 160mah. Quad can carry upto 400mah 1S Lipo and has very good flight time. Rs 1050 including shipping.

Made with parts from Quadkopters flies always in attitude (self leveling mode). Satya quadkopters has withdrawn the parts from sale since X-dart is on sale with HK for $19.9 including Tx but the check out allows only fedex priority for our country and it amounts to a total of  $19.9+38.5 which is approximately Rs 3500 Plus that's if it escapes customs being a tx. I think satya should reintroduce this nice kit.

Devang has backed out so Qty 1 is locked for Fxshoppee


Brand New sealed packed Hobby King SS ESCs

Hobbyking SS Series 40-50A ESC (Opto only) Qty 03 Nos Rs 700 each Including shipping

SS 40-50A ESC all booked for teamnamibia

Hobbyking SS Series 50-60A ESC (Opto only) Qty 03 Nos Rs 950 each Including Shipping

Qty 02Nos 50-60A ESC Locked for foolsworldus Money recd

Brushed ESC 20 Amps and GWS ICS100Li 5A Brushed ESC both brand new unused for Rs 600 including shipping.


Sir if you have any models for sale please let me know , if you do have a sport low wing model which can be a good second plane from a high wing please let me know
Hobbico next star | sky surfer V2 | .46 High wing trainer | O.S .46 Ax | O.S .46 La | O.S 55 AX | super tigre .10 motor | Spektrum DX5e | FUTABA 10J | Hitec X4 Eighty | Phoenix Scanner | Multiplex Twinstar ii

Acquiring soon |  no plans as of yet  |

The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish.


USED Futaba 6EX Radio in brand new condition Mode 2 with throttle on left with following
01 x Four Channel Futaba park flier receiver R6004FF
01 x Assembled 8cell battery pack with 2700mah Nimh
Charger for the radio
USB Four channel simulator dongle with Futaba connector
Printed Manual
Neck Strap Balancer and original futaba black neck strap.

Rs 5000/- Shipping Extra as applicable.

Booked for rajsigma

PS : Mode Change to Mode 1 is easy will be done on request if required.


Quote from: sundaram on September 04, 2014, 01:28:53 AM
USED Futaba 6EX Radio in brand new condition with following
01 x Four Channel Futaba park flier receiver R6004FF
01 x Assembled 8cell battery pack with 2700mah Nimh
Charger for the radio
USB Four channel simulator dongle with Futaba connector
Printed Manual
Neck Strap Balancer and original futaba black neck strap.

Rs 5000/- Shipping Extra as applicable.
This is practically a steal wow sir great price
Hobbico next star | sky surfer V2 | .46 High wing trainer | O.S .46 Ax | O.S .46 La | O.S 55 AX | super tigre .10 motor | Spektrum DX5e | FUTABA 10J | Hitec X4 Eighty | Phoenix Scanner | Multiplex Twinstar ii

Acquiring soon |  no plans as of yet  |

The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish.