Electrified - World Models P-51 Mustang Petie 2nd Edition 60-90 size

Started by tango, March 30, 2010, 05:23:16 PM

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For sale
Electrified - World Models P-51 Mustang Petie 2nd Edition
60-90 Size, 64.5" Wingspan, 56" Length, AUW approx 9 Lbs, 1KW power system.

Full house set-up, with flaps and reinforced retracts for stress free grass field operations. Model in great condition. Built in 2007and has only about 25 flights in all.

Takes off in 20 feet. Flies like a warbird and lands almost like a trainer with full flaps. Silent high speed passes are spooky.  Hatch for convenient battery changes built into the airframe

Top of the line equipment used for conversion:

AXI 4130/16 Motor
Jeti 77 Amp Opto Esc
Mounting gear from esprit models

Other stuff includes:

6V Nicad Receiver Pack (4.8 V also availabe as an alternate if required
6 x servos:  Hitec 645MG Servos on elevator and rudder,  2 x Futaba S3001 on Ailerons,  Hitec HS75BB retract servo, GWS High Torque Flaps Servo
4" Aluminium Spinner
2 x Props 15 x 8 and 16 x 10 APC-E
Deans Connectors, heavy duty switch harnesses, metal clevises etc etc.

Just add your own receiver and main batteries and fly.

More than 37K worth of stuff in there.  PM your offers. Will not split, and pick up only.

I use 6S 5000mah packs with this baby and have 2 of them. They are not part of this sale. Can consider throwing them in if the buyer doesn't have appropriate packs. 8-9 mins of flying time with aerobatics and throttle management consumes about 70% of the pack.

Also would recommend this to someone who already has a charger to balance charge 6S packs.

A link to the conversion is here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=416245  This uses the same equipment.

My thread is here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=755032  with full write up and pics.

Manufacturers website link: http://www.theworldmodels.com/para/products/airplanedetails.php?airplaneid=60

Reason for sale: Moved on to helis and hardly get the time to fly this baby anymore.




My Hanger:
.46 Trainer, Edge 540 EPP 3D, Extra 260 DLE 35 RA, EPP Cessna 182
Lama IV
HPI Lightening 3.0


Hangar: Zlin 50L -120, CMPro Super Chipmunk, Ultimate Bipe EP, Imagine 50, Christen Eagle 160, Ultra Stick, Super Sports Senior

