EPP Foam Hand Thrown glider

Started by rajeev.dhruv, August 09, 2018, 10:29:27 AM

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Hello All
Excellent gift for kids.
Hand launched glider for beginners. Children can  learn flying and basics of flying from this. Made out of unbreakable EPP foam. So it had a long life. Available in four colours - Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. So gift your child the most affordable flying toy.

Wingspan - 48cm.

Can also be converted to electric gliders if you have good skills.
Feel free to what's app me at 9999439337 for more details.

Best regards


More image here...


How much price

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
Bixler2, FLYSKY, THX 9, 9XR, DX6i, Techone Satrun, Multiplex FunCub, FunJet, FRSKY DJT



Super hand glider...
Great for kids and also for us..
Bought two. One for my son and one for me. 😁😁😁
Will make one electric.


I was looking for this since long but did not order from Banggood as i thought it would get damaged in posting.

But Since Rajeev got it here so bought it. It was nicely packed and good.



Happiness at just rupees 350/-. Buy your kids the most amazing thing at nominal prices.

Independence Day offer:

Buy two pieces for Rs. 700/- and avail free shipping anywhere in India. Additional discount for bulk purchases.

What's app me at 9999439337 to place your order.

Best regards


get the electronics for converting this electric .... you would sell it like hot cakes....


Yes sir.

3.7g servos and 10amp ESC available in stock.

Working in motors and propellers.

Thank you sir for  valuable advice.



Thank you Rajeev the gliders are super cool and flies well too.


Hey ,

I did not  receive yet, placed order for 4 nos

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600

Dr. Abhishek Agrawal

I bought two pieces. good product and excellent service from Mr Rajeev. Your shipping package was  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

(Sky Surfer V2 , Tiger Trainer MK III nitro , Arising Star nitro, Beetle QuadCopter ,Futaba T6 EX  Tx , Q450 Quadcopter with DJI NAZA M, JR XG 6 Tx , Techone Arrow 3D, Extra 300s 3D, Lil Ripper 3D foamy,  LH X1mini quadcopter, HJT EPO Quadcopter,Funtana 3D,FLYGUY 46" Superman, F-35 Jet, Mig-25 Foxbat Jet,    Frsky TARANIS PLUS TX , FT VERSA WING ,RC Flying Eagle,FT Spear wing, FT GUINEA PIG TWIN MOTOR, DJI Phantom 4 PRO, DJI MAVIC PRO,TBS,  5" Racer Quad, TARANIS Qx7,I )


@Sandeep sir

Your parcel has been shipped today. Really sorry for delay.

Best regards


Hello Guys.

Lots of people have ordered this glider as a gift for their loved ones, relatives and knowns. I remember one guy who placed a bulk order to distribute them as return gift on his son's birthday.

You can now directly order this as a gift to your loved ones with your name as sender. The parcel will be delivered to the receipt. Gift wrap also available.

So, go ahead and gift your child and loved ones the most adorable stuff.

Best regards



Excellent product specially for the young ones to teach flying without fear of breaking.

Have placed  order and also gifted same to my close ones, Thnx for the service Rajeev.

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


Excellent product. I bought two of these. One already gifted to a kid and he is very happy to have it.

Second one, I'm converting to electric. Waiting for receivers to come.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


Thanks Rajeev, for the excellent service with good packaging and the servo's , Gliders are too good, kept one for my self and rest gifted to near and dear children within family members.

Excellent service.  :hatsoff:


A great responsive  seller with high quality reliable products,Nice to have  Field Battery checker,Tachometer for gasoline engines,Rc opto Kill switch,RX receiver + High quality on off switches for model planes with same day shipping.


Hi, can we have the contact details of this great responsive seller with high quality reliable products?



Anyone can reach me at 9999439337. I may not attend calls as I have developed a habit of keeping my phone on silent mode since last 10 years. So, what's app messages will be highly appreciated.



I have bought one epp plane for my son. This is great and had very long flight, my son and me are enjoying every Saturdays and Sundays. This makes both of us to exercise I use to walk / run and my son runs. Thanks for making my son go out door and detaching him from mobile.


Hello Flyers

The EPP Foam glider is once again back in stock.The glider sale received an overwhelming response from you people. Everyone was pressing hard for restocking the glider eversince they stocked out. Keeping in view numerous requests from customers, i was bound to stock them again.

The all time favourite glider is back in stock. You can know purchase the glider at a lower price.


1 Pieces - 300/- (without shipping
4 pieces - 1200/- (Free Shipping)

Feel free to contact me over whats app 9999439337

