210 quad parts or a rtf for sale!!!

Started by cyberhack, June 01, 2017, 12:52:34 PM

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hey guys!
brought some parts inorder to build a new setup but have changed my mind wont be making it let me know if anyone wants the whole setup:
all new in box might be opened for youtube review : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzQ-tXNWGez36G26S5RkbaA

setup :
QAVX 210 frame with pdb
rs2205s 2300kv
flycolor 30amp blhelis_s esc
kiss fc
all this for 16k + shipping
let me know if anyone intrested
also have 2 lipo safe bags new in box - rs.500/-
600mw vtx x3 Ts5828 -Rs.1500/-


Interested in flycolor escs.
Pm me if still available.


hey would like to sell as a  kit as dont want to separate and sell all individual shipping would be easy for me ... sorry let u knw if i get buyers for all/


Hello, I am interested in 2 lipo safe bags. How can I contact you?



Book frame for me

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