Hi all,
Selling below items -
1) Herelink V1.0 (brand New) with box - Rs. 60,000 + free shipping.
2) Airgear 450 Brand New - Rs. 15,000 + free shipping.
Link - https://robu.in/product/t-motor-air-gear-450-combo/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu8uyBhC6ARIsAKwBGpTwzNH9sb9ueK-goV1n47Qkx2D5GpRsBLp4kYhwbQKsMzXPBb5kw5waAoaAEALw_wcB
3) Sandisk 32gb SD card - Rs. 300 (3 Nos available)
Contact me for more details.
Bump with cost reduction
1) Hex Herelink V1.0 - Rs. 55,000 + Free shipping
2) Airgear 450 - Rs. 12,500 + free shipping
Message me if interested.
i want to buy this
Hi Manoj
Thanks for your interest.
Herelink for 55K with free shipping.
Photos and videos have been shared with you
Terms will be 50% before shipping and remaining on receiving the product.
Please confirm.
yes i want to buy at 50000
Herelink Sold to ManojAkula
Airgear 450 still available. (open to negotiations)