Medium Heavy Lift Hexa copter with foldable frame

Started by hemanthtguru, June 13, 2013, 11:38:57 AM

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I have medium lift hexa copter, it can carry 2.4 Kg easy on payload

The price of the powering system and frame for new is like 600 USD + shipping

I even have 11 X 5 CF props cubing them togather will give u 2.1 Trust on each more with 4s battery

I have the Frame + 7 motors + 7 ESc + 4 pairs of CF props

Please PM me for offers. I can sell has whole or part wise.

The copter no even been flow one also..

I even have APM from sale, I can make it RTF

I have picture below PM for more pictures or details

Multirotor Freak


-2814 700kv Carbon Fiber 685mm Quadcopter ( tuning PIDs)
-Scratch build Hexacopter ( selling the parts) { almost sold}
-9xR - The best RADIO
-ST360quad (sold)
-kk2 (sold)



Multirotor Freak


Hahaha i thought you would reply first rahul  ;D  ;D

Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


which motors and esc have you used?

Sent from a potato using a lamp


thunder tiger jupiter 40,thunder tiger cessna 177 cardinal, seagull super decathlon 120, seagull extra 260, edge 540 50cc, hiller 500 heli



CAn you PM me cost part wise or all items together.?
