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Started by flyingboxcar, June 06, 2014, 01:58:22 PM

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For sale new in box, MXSR from GW for 30cc petrol.
I will sell it for 1000 less than current price available with any seller in India. I will also throw in another cowl from my earlier MXSR (Breitling scheme) the cowl is cut and yellow, but you can paint it if you want a spare.
Serious buyers only please   
If you are really into scale you should be here.


Reason for sale, trying to fund another aircraft, here is a stock picture of the model, the ARF I have is same colour scheme.
If interested send me a private message  
If you are really into scale you should be here.


Not very hopeful, going by the trends. But still a Bump and reducing the asking price to 2500 less than listed price anywhere in India.
If you are really into scale you should be here.