NIB KK MultiCopter Boards for Sale

Started by AyushGupta, January 06, 2012, 07:05:39 PM

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Hi All,

I have a New in Box Original KK MultiCopter Board. Here is the link for the product
Asking Price is  :Rs:5000

Also have the Copied version of the same... i.e. Green Board. Here is the link for the product
I have 5 units of these. Asking Price is  :Rs:2750 per unit

All the products are New and Packed in Box.

Please contact me at:
Ayush Gupta


Ashutosh Jain
ph : +919928877712



One green board sold 4 remaining.


Two more Boards SOLD  ;D

Remaining items:
Original Board : One pc   (Price  :Rs: 4750)
Green Board   : Two pcs (Price  :Rs: 2500)

Please contact over phone @ 09352717410



As only Two boards remain willing to offer at price of  :Rs:4000 for both green boards.
and the Original board for  :Rs:4000.

Contact details mentioned above.


Dude, I have no idea how to make a Multicopter. If I buy a green bord from you What else do I need to buy to make one n how much will it all cost? I have a 6 chan transmittor n reciever.



Well if you search the forum you will find lots of resources by Anwar uncle and others.

But Basically :
4x DC Brushless Outrunner Motors
4x Electronic Speed Controller (As required by the motor)
Quad Frame provided by rc bazaar
Atleast one 2200 mAh Li-Po Battery
A suitable Lipo Charger and Balancer

I guess this is most of it. Other members please add in any details i left out.
You may refer to for prices it pretty cheap.


do u still hav the original board......if yes tell me a final price...

i asked u for a lower price before also and m asking u again as i cant afford this board at this price(rs 4000)
......i m willing to buy the board for a max 3000/- tell me if psble
Ashutosh Jain
ph : +919928877712


Quote from: AyushGupta on January 20, 2012, 11:41:41 PM
Well if you search the forum you will find lots of resources by Anwar uncle and others.

Amen to that... and that is the right thing to do...

Quote from: AyushGupta on January 20, 2012, 11:41:41 PM
I guess this is most of it. Other members please add in any details i left out.

Appropriate props, prop adaptor/saver, TX, RX, connectors as needed, connecting wires with the right connectors.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Bump !!!

8-)  Any takers for the offer....
