Cyclops - E Kit Brand New Semi Assembled With 6 HITEC 65MG/HB Servos.

Started by gauravag, September 21, 2019, 12:18:08 PM

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I am intending to part with a Cyclops - E Kit Brand New Semi Assembled With 6 HITEC 65MG/HB Servos.

101 Inch Wingspan - Record Holder EPO Airframe for endurance. ( 7hr and above ) .

Asking Price: 25K Shipped.

Links and Build Threads:

Wingspan ~ 101 in
Wing area ~ 598 sq in
Fuselage Length ~ 52 in
Configuration options included in kit: T Tail & V Tail, Belly Wheel
Materials: EPO Foam - Wings, Fuselage and Tail; Carbon Fiber - Tail boom, Wing spars and Tail support components; Plywood - Internal structure & support; Wood, Plastic – Misc. parts.

2Hitec 65MG Servos in Tail.
2 Hitch 65MG Servos in Flaps
2 Hitech 65HB Servos for Ailerons.

Expertly Semi Assembled by me. Provision for Telemetry on one Wing Panel and VtX on he other. Wing is detachable, has MPX Connectors for easy connections.

No Missing parts.  Everything Double checked and labelled.
