Quanum DIY FPV Goggles - Turnigy Accucell 6 80W - Aomway Mini 600TVL

Started by pushpreet, June 04, 2015, 05:31:09 PM

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I have a few brand new items for sale.
I just bought them last week, but due to some delays in my other orders, I won't be able to use them for a while.
So I am selling them here for now.

NOTE : These are brand new, NIB items, and I am not in need of money, so I am not selling these at giveaway prices, rather, what I consider, a reasonable price. Please do not try to negotiate the prices.

Items :
1. Quanum DIS FPV Goggles with Monitor
- :Rs: 3000 for local pickup
- :Rs: 3200 including shipping

2. Turnigy Accucell 6 80W Charger ( can charge LiHV batteries and calculate internal resistance )
- :Rs: 3000 for local pickup
- :Rs: 3200 including shipping

3. Aomway 600TVL Mini CMOS FPV Camera ( includes microphone, really tiny and light )
- :Rs: 1500 including shipping or local pickup



Aomway camera not for sale anymore. Decided to keep it for myself.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
