Tx Mod and repair electronic components

Started by fxshoppe, September 24, 2018, 05:56:20 PM

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I had ordered few parts/ components to fix radio and do mods in bulk. It is so frustrating either these components are not available or no one store sells them all.

6206 3.3 v regulator in SOT89 format for frsky tx and rx fixing -- Rs 20 per piece 40 pieces available.

BAT85 high speed switching diode for th9x audio mod or frsky -- Rs 10 per piece 90 pieces available

POGO pins for solder less programmer board for th9x  Rs 15 per piece need set of 6 for new board. 30 pieces available.
(free pdf for pcb transfer will be given along with pins)

Frsky telemetry mod converter board for th9x or 9xr  Rs 150 per piece 10 pieces available.

Perfect drilled Prototype pcb board  Rs 60 per piece. 20 pieces available.

Prices excluding shipping.

Please calculate shipping using https://www.indiapost.gov.in/VAS/Pages/calculatePostage.aspx using 110001 as staring pincode and weight for less than 100 grams.

Whatsapp @ 9810209995 for details.


Adding for tx mod and upgrade.

STM32F103CBT6 128KB QFP48 to upgrade memory in devention and avionics series tx cpu -  Rs 250 per piece

Atmega 128 for th9x upgrade to support more storage and one firmware approach (cpu only) - Rs 400 per piece


5v to 3.3 bi-directional level converter 4 channel - Rs 100
RS232 to ttl convertor for frsky mod - Rs. 100
HC06 compatible bluetooth module - Rs 250

Shipping not included


6206 3.3 v regulator in SOT89 format for frsky tx and rx fixing -- Rs 20 per piece 36 pieces available



Adding to list
78L05 in TO92 (transistor) package Rs. 15
78L05 SOT89 Package Rs. 20
7805 TO220 package Rs. 15
AMS1117-3-3V SOT-223 Rs. 15
470nf 474 good quality multilayer ceramic capacitor Rs. 5
47nf 473 good quality multilayer ceramic capacitor Rs. 3

SMD resistor and capacitor also available for tx rx fixing

Good quality electronic components

This completes the entire flysky and most frsky tx rx repair components.

Whatsapp @ 9810209995 for details





Adding promini with firmware for audio mod Rs. 500 per piece just add card reader and amp board for audio mod on Th9x.



