Hi Guys,
I have 2 nitro model planes on sale. I may be moving out of Hyderabad soon and transporting them is a problem for me. Both the planes are ABSOLUTELY READY TO FLY !!! these are with OS46 MAX Engines. The details are below:
Model 1
Name: Dynam AT 40L (Low Wing Trainer)
Engine: OS 46AX with genuine glow plug and muffler.
Age : About 1 year old but in absolutely flying condition (No crashes at all ever)
Servos: JR 577 (i believe) * 4
Battery: 2000mah NiMH (Chamellion) 4.8v
Reciever: 72 Mhz Fuataba Conpatible. (Ch 54 crystal)
Wheels : Genuine Original Dubro Treaded wheels (3 inches)
Fuel Tank : Approx 240 ml
Asking Price : Rs. 10,000 only (Hyderabad only) (Will not be able to ship) (buyers from other locations welcome to pick up)
Model 2
Name: Dynam Subaru (Low Wing Scale Plane)
Engine: OS 46AX with genuine glow plug and muffler.
Age : About 6 months old but in absolutely flying condition (No crashes at all ever)
Servos: Futaba 3003 * 4
Battery: 2200mah NiMH (Chamellion) 4.8v
Reciever: 72 Mhz Fuataba Conpatible. (Ch 54 crystal)
Wheels : Genuine Original Dubro Treaded wheels (3 inches)
Fuel Tank : Approx 240 ml
Asking Price : Rs. 10,000 only (Hyderabad only) (Will not be able to ship) (buyers from other locations welcome to pick up)
Please Note: These models are in perfect flying condition. No damages on teh aircraft or the engines. These are first hand engines and runnign very well. I am attaching a few pics of the models and the videos.
Cheers !!!
Here are the videos...
Would love to buy subaru withouth the receiver..Is there no way you wont be able to ship it ? Where are you moving, which city ?
Quote from: atul_pg on August 22, 2009, 11:54:30 AM
Would love to buy subaru withouth the receiver..Is there no way you wont be able to ship it ? Where are you moving, which city ?
Hi Atul.
I might be moving to Mumbai soon. I am not sure how can I ship a built plane. This is the oly cause of my worry. It occupies space. If you can arrange for shipping from hyd and they can come and pick it up from my place... i am ok with that. The model in the video does not have the cowl on (was testing the engine) The model is actually with the cowl. I have installed the cowl now.
I am definately ok without the reciever too. Do let me know your plans
hey saurabh...
i am interested in the subaru if thats still for sale...
and when will you be shifting ... because i can buy the
model only after the first week of september... i am located in hyd...
pls give me a call and tell whether its ok with u ...
happy flying ,
Update: Dynam Subaru SOLD !!!
only Dynam AT40L available.
Hey saurabh...
i have colected 6500/- for the low winger ,
please reserve this one for me also..
happy flying,
yooooo maan....
waz up?
this is sanjay... u know from hyd...
this seems to be a very old post... but i am still interested in the at40 yaar.
do u still have it?
leme know
happy new year to you and shikah
Is the nitro Trainer still available? have you shifted to bombay yet or still in hyd?
What is the asking price for it now.
hi.. dynam AT40 is still available in hyd . i hav moved to Mumbai. . only pickup in hyd.
asking price : Rs. 7500 only. Complete wid engine n power... if interested PM me. it is there wid a friend of mine... you will hav to pick it up...
Quote from: aerosamm on January 08, 2010, 08:19:11 PM
yooooo maan....
waz up?
this is sanjay... u know from hyd...
this seems to be a very old post... but i am still interested in the at40 yaar.
do u still have it?
leme know
happy new year to you and shikah
Thnks Sanjay... wish u the same.. i had sent u a PM .. nt sure if u saw that... AT 40 is still available... PM me...
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on August 22, 2009, 10:14:37 AM
Model 1
Name: Dynam AT 40L (Low Wing Trainer)
Is Dynam AT 40L (Low Wing Trainer) still available? I am intrested.
I will be in Hyderabad next week.
My contact# 09743246280.
yes AT40L is still available. my numbr is 9004548889 plz contact me a few days before you reach hyd. will arrange wid my friend. you might hav to pick it up frm him. thnks.
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on January 30, 2010, 12:39:42 PM
yes AT40L is still available. my numbr is 9004548889 plz contact me a few days before you reach hyd. will arrange wid my friend. you might hav to pick it up frm him. thnks.
Hi Saurabh,
My Hyd trip is cancelled, so i wont be able to see the AT40L.
If AT40L is available till Feb end, Then I will buy it...
No Probs.. .Thanks for the information :)
hello saurabh
my friend is interested in the model and he want's to talk to u can u please PM your mobile number or if u want i can PM his number to you (Samuel sanjay - Alwal :D)
9004548889.. call me or sms me.
thanks i just sent an sms to sanjay ! he will call
Hi saurabh, Have you sold AT 40L???
Hi saurabh,
Whether you have the AT 40L available for sale....???
I am interested, Let me know as soon as possible.
AT40L is now available in Hyderabad. (Pickup only) Price 7500 only.