Balsa & Balsa PLy (Imported) for sale

Started by Tichi, December 28, 2015, 07:02:35 PM

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3mm*100mm*100cm (pieces 40)
5mm*100mm*50cm (pieces 10)
30cm*30cm* 1/4'' Balsa Ply (pieces 58)


Could you please Quote the price

K K Iyer

Joined today? Welcome.
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My two bits on use of ply sheets for construction of models. 

Well.... I have seen several sheets of Balsa Plywood..... never liked it for my construction.  Whenever I required use a ply sheet for strength... I used a 1.5 mm standard plywood sheets available at the local market.  They are light and can be cut by a knife though with a little effort.  In case I really required to laminate blasa I just used sheets of Balsa and laminated it... using fevicol to paste it.  Why should I buy such costly sheets when it is available for a fraction of that cost.  The 1.5 mm sheet standard ply wood cost me Rs 600 for a sheet of 8 feet x 4  feet.

You guys may also try the same.....
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...