2nos. 3s 2200mah turnigy lipo for sale

Started by rc_anand, May 21, 2015, 01:18:47 PM

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Hi ,
         for sale are 2x 3s 2200mah 20C new packed lipo pack ( Actual picture attached) at cost of 850 :Rs: per unit with free shipping.for any more details call me at 09169404775 or mail me at anandrc85


please book both for me, 9948544878.  I just called you

Amit tris


booked for nsunilc" .payment  awaited  Received .


Hi Anand,

     I havnt got the lipo's yet. Tracking no you have given does not seems to be valid. DTDC: Z53370799.

Please can you give me correct tracking no or tell me where my package is right now.


yes sure.i have enquired DTDC and i will let you know as soon as i get a reply from them.


Sahil Rana
+91 9306729376



Can you give me update about the delivery i have not received the batteries and the tracking no provided is not valid.
If you can not delivery the battery, please arrange for refund. This is way too long for delivery.

Tried to reach you many times but not reachable.


PFA DTDC Receipt snap


I have called DTDC with this cg.no- they cant find it in system.

You need to enquiry the DTDC vendor, with whom you have booked the parcel. Please can you contact them and update.

its been more than 15 days, usually it does not take this long. If they lost the package its not my fault, you will have to refund.


If they look st the parcel it's nobody's fault , asking the seller to refund will be a bit of injustice . You both should share the burden equally, but then again its upon you guys .
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Acquiring soon |  no plans as of yet  |

The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish.


Let anand come back, after finding out what happen to the package. I think he can claim from courier ppl if its marked valued.