RC India

RC Baazar => For Sale => Topic started by: Nishit on June 15, 2011, 01:50:36 AM

Title: Walkera UFLY-S with 3 Axis Gyro for sale
Post by: Nishit on June 15, 2011, 01:50:36 AM
Brand new Walkera UFLY-S with 3 Axis Gyro

Just used once for testing and tuning purposes

Package Details

Ready to Fly
with 4 channel digital 2.4Ghz RX
balanced charger
7.4 volt 850 miamp Li-Po battery
Spare tail gear set & manual
can fly out doors with good wind fighting capabilities thanx to the 3 axis gyro and peddle flybar head
can be upgrade with wow hobby performance kits
Average Flight Time of 11-12 min
One of the best walkera Helis ever produced
Intermediate Heli flying Skills Must

Price 13,500 excluding shipping ( non negotiable)
If interested call ASAP on 9833068592 or leave a SMS
Title: Re: Walkera UFLY-S with 3 Axis Gyro for sale
Post by: dinil on June 15, 2011, 06:38:55 AM
post pics in actual condition