What to look for while buying stuff

Started by girishsarwal, November 20, 2013, 11:27:55 AM

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I'm adding this post especially for beginners. The intent of this post is to share things that often do not meet the eye and keep deals clean. Please do add your knowledge for helping other members. Here is one entry:


When buying Txs, make sure the sticks do not have dead zones. Dead zones are areas where movement of the underlying pots has no effect on the response. This is due to the pot gone bad. The simplest way to find out if there are deadzones, is to attach servos with an arm to the channels (applies to throttle as well), get rid of any expos/dr set on the radio and check to see if the servo has linear response between end points. The servo should move at every twitch of the stick. You could ask the seller to post/pm a video.



Very true - unfortunately this can only apply when
you have a chance to hold and test the tx before buying.

for the large majority - we continue to buy on faith.