Started by storehyd, May 21, 2012, 11:00:42 AM

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*********TIME FOR MINI PROJECTS*******
For Those Students intrested in building Quadrotor in mini project Within short time, irrespective of ordering parts from other countries and waiting. ***Grab these Sparkfun products Deals from India and jus get your own motors and esc's and ****FLY*****

6 Channel Transmitter + 8 Channel Reciever --- Rs. 2000/-

Arduino Pro Mini                         (x1)
IMU 6DOF (ITG3200+ADXL 345)    (x1)
FTDI 5V + USB Mini B Cable         (x1)
Quadcop Green Shield                 (x1)
Logic Level Converter                 (x1)
Y-Harness Power Grid                 (x1)

DVD Quadrotor Codes+Configurator+Flight Software (Arduino Based Method)

For Details Plz Contact/ visit:

Mr. Ronie +91 8977518086
Uppal IDL,



Very good Information on the page Mr.Ronie  :thumbsup:

Arduino Pro Mini                         (x1)
IMU 6DOF (ITG3200+ADXL 345)    (x1)
FTDI 5V + USB Mini B Cable         (x1)
Quadcop Green Shield                 (x1)
Logic Level Converter                 (x1)
Y-Harness Power Grid                 (x1)

This all ur giving in ? price
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Yet another Blasphemous Dogma ? Please put :

1. Price
2. Picture
3. Price Comparison for such claims.
4. Reference from other members, if possible.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


This account was previously deleted from this forum for spamming (sprinkling sales information about the same product all over the forum).

Looks like some people just don't get simple instructions, like the ones listed here about "For Sale" entries :

Those instructions are not only for the benefit of the buyer, they also protect the interests of the seller.

Looks like the price of items may be in the video attached, but realistically, who has time to catch all of that in a video ?  So unless this thread is updated with pics/prices, I am sorry to say that the thread will be deleted in 24 hours.  It is better to delete the thread, than to deal with a buyer seller conflict later on.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Not playing the Devil's advocate here, however, all prices and details are available on the video. I hope I'm not mistaken:

6 Ch Tx/ 8 Ch Rx - 2000
LiPo Cgharger - 1000
Arduino Pro Mini - 990
IMU6DOF - 4200
Logic level Converter - 140
FTDI 6V - 900
EC3 Connector set - 350
(800Kv BLM +25A ESC)X4 - 5250
10X6 Props X 4 - 400
3mm Prop Adapters X 4 - 160
Balsa Frame - 300

Total Rs. 15690/-
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


@VC ..yeah!!.. the cheapest quad i made is for 98$ ..incl shipping.!!



Sujith - any details available?

Hyd_Quads - Yes it seems to be - going by the video.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!



ohhh well.....

I am not Quadcop Owner. may be its account deleted because of several postings of same post in the forums. allegedly

well Quadcop is going very well in Hyderabad Engineering Colleges...

Prices are listed here...
2.4 GHz FLY SKY (6 Channel Transmitter + 8 Channel Reciever) --- Rs. 2000/-
Arduino Pro Mini                                                   (x1)        --- Rs. 990
IMU 6DOF (ITG3200+ADXL 345)                              (x1)        --- Rs. 4200
FTDI 5V + USB Mini B Cable                                   (x1)         --- Rs. 900
Quadcop Green Shield                                           (x1)        --- Rs. 1000
Logic Level Converter                                            (x1)        --- Rs. 140
Y-Harness Power Grid                                            (x1)        --- Rs. 350
Balsa Simple Frame                                               (x1)        ---  Rs. 300

TOTAL                                                                (x10)      --- Rs. 9880 (including Shipping)

Offer Price For Engineering Students (Mini Project)                   --- Rs. 9200 (including Shipping)
(Provided they must send college id. card xerox)
This is just to ensure us that the student is following
our method in building his Quad. 

Mr. Ronie +91 8977518086



motors and escs not included in the price?? !! please share total pricing of the quad with all electronics .


Sorry to Say that...Mr. Sujith

890 KV Motors and ESC's are not in stock and if the user wanted to have 890KV motors they can go by this one.
Well This is the only store in INDIA which sells 890KV motors.
If any doubts you can ask Sharda University Students how the method follows.
But call The store owner that you need type two motors (which have mounting @ bottom). you can take Quadcop name with him.

I can That a student can complete his project with in Max. Budget of Rs.16000/- within the parts available in India itself irrespective of depending on other countries and waiting till the end of project time.


Interested guys can call me up for details ...

+91 8977518086

Different configuration's Like

Quad X
Quad +
Quad Y4

All these can be done with this method.
An Example of Flight software uploading and configurating the values in configurator for a Tricopter is shown in above video.


Quote from: storehyd on May 22, 2012, 11:01:45 AM
I am not Quadcop Owner. may be its account deleted because of several postings of same post in the forums. allegedly

You do realize that the admins can see the email address you register under, and how the left side of those email addresses are the same ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


We Work For Quadcop and we are not the Owners its an Institute tied up with Quadcop Doing Projects for Engineering Students visiting Colleges...


We believe that likely story :)

Free brotherly advice... please build up your credentials slowly and tone down the marketing... it is for your own good.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


So do you know that all the final year students who made quad this year in projects weren't gt succeeded by following the posts in this forums. They waited till the parts arrive from other countries wait nd wait...they get , they lose any one part, again order and wait this is all what lead to failure... we are here to help out the students to build their Quad in Cheaper and faster and powerful way(Arduino) method's.

We are here to help complete their Project within India itself rather depending on other Countries.
Motors & ESC's & LIPO's from (Kerala) and sensors from us also a free 24/7 support makes their projects success..


I have nothing against what you are trying to do... only against HOW you are doing it.  Starting with... are you absolutely SURE that your's is the WORLD'S (yes the WORLD!) CHEAPEST quad components ?

In short, tall claims affect your credibility from the start. You would have made 10 times the friends if you just said "Affordable and locally available quad parts".  Comprende gentlemen ?

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Irrespective to the posts here .... guyzzz interested in building up their quads can thoroughly go by these web pages.


Quote from: storehyd on May 22, 2012, 06:37:30 PM
Irrespective to the posts here ....

Now everyone can get a good feel for how the customer support will be ;) 

"Irrespective of how we behave... we are very willing to help" !

Anyone starting new, and has the time, may also consider this post :

Not exactly world's cheapest, but not too expensive either.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Not exactly world's cheapest, but not too expensive either.

YUP....., good quote.

Friends don't depend on other countries for parts, U guyzzz can make a Quad within the parts available in India.
Follow the website carefully you find the results. follow in FB also...


Quote from: anwar on May 22, 2012, 06:13:56 PM
We believe that likely story :)

Free brotherly advice... please build up your credentials slowly and tone down the marketing... it is for your own good.

Nice and hard zero tolerance. Kudos Anwar bhaii.

People should know that this place is not college-Kid-entrepreneur Play ground and such fairy tales have zero appeal to senior junta. Please stop this mutual admiration and shadow games to make people belief in this product. There are 10's of Quad builders in the country now (Thanks to 3-Idiots ?) and not everyone puts such a tall claim. This forum has members who are concerned about new members/rookies falling prey to false promises and fraudulent trades. So  hyd_quads / storehyd , create a credible profile, gets some review from old trusted members here, and then think of 'Helping' others.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Quote from: ujjwaana on May 22, 2012, 07:42:52 PM
So  hyd_quads / storehyd , create a credible profile, gets some review from old trusted members here.....

Now in what way am I related to all this!

hyd_quads (myself) is DIFFERENT from storehyd. I was previously "vineet_p" but I got my username changed by anwar sir when there was a minor conflict with "vineet" of Delhi. I own NO LHS, I never met storehyd. Kindly note that.

Quote from: ujjwaana on May 22, 2012, 07:42:52 PM
and then think of 'Helping' others.

Sorry but I never claimed I am more eligible than the seniors present here to 'help' others. I do give minor suggestions, but I always consider myself to be a help-seeker than an expert consultant in RC.

Excuse me if I misunderstood something or anything else.



Read the entire thread from top. You claim you dont have any association with 'storehyd' or the person offering the Quads. But with the authority you have post in 'Direct speech' instead of 'Reported Speech', would always raise concerns about the ownership issues.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Now it really seems to me that humans have become more logical than ever. "hyd" in common, "quads" in common and to make it worse, I said that the Tx was a good deal. "Find keywords and match" It's become like google search! So you say I'm associated with storehyd in some way or the other, created multiple accounts, promoted non-sense products, cheated beginners, etc etc... Concluding all this without any basis is so disgusting!
You can go through my previous posts and find none of them have a commercial intetntion. I never talked of 'retailing' products, never talked of engineering colleges, their projects, etc. So far, I've only put very few personal items on sale.
I appreciate the fact that it's the responsibility of the seniors of the forum to protect the juniors from falling in the traps of frauds, infact, I was a victim of such a case, too.
That really hurts the morale when you allege that other's hobby is a cheat business.
All I want to say is, "have a basis when you conclude something, especially when you conclude something negative"