Started by storehyd, May 21, 2012, 11:00:42 AM

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What the hell is goin on here with hyd_quads, ujjwaana & the Admin...


Dnt you guyzzz have a minimum commonsense that you are diverting the topics.

What's the price of 6Ch TX in stores (FlySKY) haaa...its 2500 in one store and 3000 in other store...
But @ Quadcop its 2000(6Ch TX + 8Ch Rx)..

Just today we Dispatched 4 Transmitters to places like Rajasthan & Karnataka..and sent their tracking id's. those guyzzz were from this forums itself.
Dnt you guys want them to be helped with best deals like this.

Mr. Ujjwana dnt think that you are a very big shot in RC Stuffs and comment like this .k. on hyd_quad's.

This is the worst part of the forums i never saw.

                                       TRANSMITTERS ***SOLD OUT***


SENSORS                                                PRICE

ARDUINO PRO MINI 5V 16MHz                        990

IMU 6DOF                                                   3990
(ITG 3200 + ADXL345)

FTDI                                                            900
(Free USB Mini-B Cable)

QUADCOP GREEN SHIELD                             1100

LOGIC LEVEL CONVERTER                              140

POWER GRID                                                350

                                      TOTAL               Rs.  7470

(Includes Free Shipping & Handling)

For details Contact;
Mr. Ronie,


Quote from: storehyd on May 23, 2012, 10:37:25 PM
What the hell is goin on here with hyd_quads, ujjwaana & the Admin...
Dnt you guyzzz have a minimum commonsense that you are diverting the topics.

A "find keywords and match" game is going on against me...


Quote from: storehyd on May 23, 2012, 10:37:25 PM
This is the worst part of the forums i never saw.

                                       TRANSMITTERS ***SOLD OUT***

You are treading a fine line my friend.

First you came and spammed this forum.  Then you came in again, and simply lied about your account, and when I pointed out the email address is same/similar, you changed it.

Now you claim as if you did the Indian RC community a great favor by selling 4 radios at a price lower than others.  We have seen many "shops" spring up and disappear within months, on this forum itself.  When they come, they make tall claims about price, and will have 3.5 pieces in stock which were ordered as personal items this escaping customs duties etc, and hold that against respectable long term hobby shops who do it the right way. 

Shops like RCBazaar and RCforAll (probably others, but I know these for sure) have sold 100s of these radios.  RCBazaar goes out of its way, and flashed the 9ch radios with bug-fixed firmware, and does it for free even for radios not bought from them ( Start doing something like that, and then talk about "service to Indian RC community". 

I am pretty sure you will disappear from this "selfless service" as soon as you run out of stock, or you get another job after graduation.  So please don't test the intelligence of this forum's audience by parading the 3.5 items you have in stock. 

And your total premise is questionable ! Unless you also sold the motors. ESCs and props, people MAY still have to order them from  outside the country, which negates your selling point of not having to order from outside.  Even not getting a pair of counter rotating props causes one to buy from outside, which means the waiting game has still to be played !

Overall, while I agree that you did not overcharge for the 4 (or 5) radios you had in stock, don't use that as an excuse to blame others. Try doing the same for 100s of radios, and then trumpet your advantage.  You are already "out of stock" on your prized item ! 

And I already posted another thread from Ashta bhai, which points to a quad that can be built using local materials, and seems to be cheaper than your world's cheapest !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


@anwar sir: Glad the previous post doesn't say anything about me, hyd_quads.. Anyway, what do you think about me sir, just what ujjwaana does?


well a quad can be build in several ways the one u talked abt is cheapest if u use HK boards .k....and never compare ppl who deal with arduino's and ITG'S/ADXL .K...

(Check my posts)


Listen if atleast one transmitter is sold out it may helps the guy.

I got a customer from Bikaner in this forums itself when i posted about TX.
He asked me to send 1BLDC + 1ESC + 1T/R + 2 Props(Slow Fly).
He wanted to make medium level plane.

Do you know what i send to him.
I was having old stock.
so I wanted to finish them offf.
I sent him--- 2BLDC(Emax CF2822) + 1 ESC-Emax(30A) + 1 T/R + 1JR-Prop Adapter + 3Props(Electric) + 2 Slow Fly Props + 2 EC3 connectors(M+F)

A net price was Rs. 3563------which was a worth of 4800.

Dont give a page response for a 4 line posts.


First of all, you did not respond to lying about your account and being someone else :)

Quote from: storehyd on May 25, 2012, 08:47:44 PM
well a quad can be build in several ways the one u talked abt is cheapest if u use HK boards .k....and never compare ppl who deal with arduino's and ITG'S/ADXL .K...

There is only once when I pointed out an alternative, in reply #19 in this thread.  If you cared to click on the link there, you will see that it is a pure arduino build, which has nothing to with HK/KK prebuilt boards.  

I'll make it easy for you :

See the prices there ? So much for "world's cheapest" ;)

Quote from: storehyd on May 25, 2012, 08:47:44 PM
(Check my posts)


Listen if atleast one transmitter is sold out it may helps the guy.

I NEVER said you mentioned any store name.  The store names I mentioned are about people who can really make a claim towards supporting this hobby (and the sales of transmitters at reasonable price in India).  Re-read this thread.

If you continue to sell for reasonable prices, the members here will respect that.  But don't think even for a moment that having 3.5 pieces in stock gives you the right to feel "above" stores who are in it for the longer term.  Let us see how long you last at selling like this.

And if you care/read enough, you will see that I appreciated the fact that you did not put a huge margin on the few radios you had in stock. But to blame others for being Rs500 higher than you, you need to sell 100s of radios at your price, YES !

Quote from: storehyd on May 25, 2012, 08:47:44 PM
Dont give a page response for a 4 line posts.

Are you 11 ? :)  Your response post is almost as long as mine. Except for that you did not respond to questions I raised, and posted a bunch of stuff without reading even this thread.

As the admin, I am not sure I should prolong this.  People have enough information to see and make informed decisions about your operation.  

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.

ujjwal mahajan

Quote from: storehyd on May 24, 2012, 09:49:35 AM

                                      TOTAL               Rs.  7470

(Includes Free Shipping & Handling)

7474 only on the control board oh ***   :giggle:
thn motors + esc's + battery + tx rx. =rs. 15-17k
bad idea
uav development board costs arount 7509 that's better then this.

ujjwal mahajan

Hi Anwer,

you r right it's not the cheapest it is expensive.
if you make a quad with HK board
cost of the board rs. 1500 max. incl custom and shipping ( cost of green shield board rs.7500 ). :giggle:
then motors esc's battery tx rx etc etc.

ujjwal mahajan

ASTHA sir's ,

multi wii was amazing that had a baro also...... and it was still less then this simple controller.



If anyone wants to make a *cheap* quad in India, the best idea is to follow Ashta sir's build log. I believe that's the cheapest (yet good) quad made in India, ofcourse with the penalty of self-programming, self-flashing the firmware and a little more efforts.