Orange rx firmware update tool

Started by yash10896, September 29, 2014, 08:45:16 AM

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hello fellow members..

just while buying rc item from sundaram sir he sent me an orange rx firmware tool as freebie but i don't think i would be needing it and would like to donate it to someone in need of it..
the buyer will have to bear shipping charges and that's it no other cost..
you can check the item here :

yash :hatsoff:
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


Yash, I have ordered 2.4GHz DSM2 supermicro reciever and OrangeRx 2.4GHz tx JR module from hobbyking. not sure if it will be useful for either of the above. I am hoping that it will be useful for the OrangeRx Tx module. (it is 2.4GHz, not 433MHz LRS). If it is useful, please give it to me and I will pay for the shipping.


Hi Yash , I have a futaba t8FG , I can use that tool with my remote to update it to the latest firmware , I can even pick it up , but I'm gonna go to Pune tomorrow night , so please reply ASAP


currently i am not free as have tests and no holiday of either 2nd oct or durga puja so wont have time to give you in personally devang and being scienty first in line had to give it to him but can i see the pic of module scienty sir?? just wanna make sure that its worth giving it to you :)
and for compatibility please ask sundaram sir first and provide me a screenshot of confirmation from him :)
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


Hi Yash, As I said earlier, I still do not have the module in my hand. My friend has ordered it from hobbyking and he is going to carry it to India. So I can not show you the picture of it.
Link to hobbyking SKU:

I could not find any compatibility data explicitly mentioned either in orangerx site or hobbyking site. From the customer reviews in hobbyking and internet search, I can confirm that it works with DSM2 module (in fact, all orangerx modules) for swapping the channel order.

Some of the Bind and fly models, it is very difficult/impossible to swap the servo connections. Firmware updater can be used to change the channel order.

It can also be used to upgrade the module if new firmware is available at any time (highly unlikely)

It will be for sure useful to me but not immediately as I don't have any Bind and fly models but if there comes a need to update firmware or I buy a bind and fly model, it will be useful to me.


Yes the firmware update tool is compatible with the tx module orange rx DSM2 posted in the link.

but are you sure this module is compatible with super micro Rx which you are saying you are buying.


Sir, I have ordered the one which is DSM2 compatible.

Please let me know if I  have overlooked something. You suggested me (over PM) to go for OrangeRx (DSM) than Hobbyking supermicro as DSM2 is more widely used. based on my priorities.



Yash, if it is okey for you, please PM your account details and shipping charges.  Thanks in advance for your efforts and hats off to sundaram sir.


no problem scienty sir... :)
its holiday till 5th here so will get to you on 6th about shipping charges and will send it to you same day :D
you can transfer it when you feel comfortable...

yash :hatsoff:
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


@yash, Sent you a pm, please check.


@scienty sir ... sir i will ship your item most probably tomorrow and at most by friday..

yash :hatsoff:
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


Please let me know if you have shipped the item so that I can transfer the money. Also, PM your account details.


sir from 2 days their have been heavy rains due to hud hud cyclone the effect is observed till here also...if tomorrow the weather is clear i will ship it...
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


Thanks Bro. Please take care. I am ready to wait.


Shipped!!  :thumbsup:

it costed  :Rs: 39 but they never give back that 1 rupee!!!  :banghead:
i have also included something special that will help you in aircraft builds :)

Tracking no. EU059206821IN

yash :hatsoff:
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful


Thanks a ton Bro. Appreciate your efforts. PM your account details and I shall transfer soon.


Thanks Again Yash for free goodies. I have received the package. Sorry for the delayed response, The package was received by my security as I was out of station.

I am surprised to see the foam samples. :headscratch:  Good thought!!  :thumbsup:

Please PM your account details and I will transfer  :Rs:.


sir no need for money its all okay :)
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful