Started by K K Iyer, April 03, 2019, 07:23:50 PM

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K K Iyer


Nicely trimmed for gentle circles. For a moment I thought the bus would run over it!

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk


hello sir

In category number 2 and 3 are you talking about chuck gliders made up of balsa wood or even foam based gliders will work as i have already started to work on foam glider

2. Rs 2000 for the first 20+ second flight by a hand/catapult launched glider
3. Rs 3000 for the first 60+ second by a rubber power/hand/catapult launch free flight mode

and sir i even tried to pm you but your inbox is full

K K Iyer

No restriction on materials.
Though target may be harder to achieve with foam gliders  ;D

Mehul Anand

K K Iyer

K K Iyer

11 days gone.
Not even one 10 sec flight entry for the first Early Bird prize?
Surely not everyone is into exams or JEE etc!

K K Iyer

Remember that there are several (older) members in this forum who have easily surpassed these goals in the past...


I came to the forums to catch up with RC after a long time, and I thought I wont get to see any competitions happening but I was happy to be proved wrong by you Iyer sir.  Great to see that you are still pro actively engaging newbies and old members.  :bow:
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


I am in sir. :thumbsup:
having Exams right now and Boeing Competition too.

K K Iyer

Are you into the final round of Boeing 2019 at IIT Delhi on 20th, ie this weekend?
If so best of luck!

When you get time, please do post the story of your journey through the competition...

K K Iyer

Hi everyone,
Repeating the original post for those who missed it.
If you go through the thread you'll find a few more prizes offered by members

Quote from: K K Iyer on April 03, 2019, 07:23:50 PM
Hi everyone,
I had proposed this contest a month or so back, but delayed it at the request of young members facing exams. I was told that the exams end on 3rd April.

So here we go...
Start date: 4th April. Closing date 30th April midnight. Extended to 30th June

Early Bird prize in each category for the FIRST member to post a video on RCI of a flight meeting/exceeding the minimum stipulated goal, flown during the contest period. The model may have been built earlier, but the flight must be on or after 4th April, ie, tomorrow onwards till 30th.

The prizes, categories and goals are:
1. Rs 1000 for the first 10+ second flight by a hand launch chuck glider
2. Rs 2000 for the first 20+ second flight by a hand/catapult launched glider
3. Rs 3000 for the first 60+ second by a rubber power/hand/catapult launch free flight mode
4. Rs 4000 for the first 120+ second flight by an RC/FF glider (50m towline or 10m rubber histart)
5. Rs 5000 for the first 120+ second flight with solar power motor/controls (no onboard battery)

Note that these goals are not hard to achieve! So newbies should try.

Happy to report that Saikat sir and ssk320 (Suman sir from the US) offered to co-sponsor.
So we have 2 additional prizes in each category.

After the Early Bird prize, equal prize to the two highest duration flights (in the category) with flight video posted on RCI by the deadline. The only condition is that the duration must exceed that of the Early Bird winner of that category.

So, ladies and gentlemen, best of luck. On your marks, get set, go!

Disclaimer: This has no commercial connection. I'm an old aeromodeller and a pensioner doing what I can to encourage grassroots low cost aeromodelling. I'm grateful that two members offered to co-sponsor. I know that there a few old time aeromodellers waiting to sponsor, if such contests generate enough interest...

K K Iyer

Perhaps the prizes are too small!


Let's raise the stakes.

5000 for the first 20+sec flight by a hand launched chuck glider between now and midnight Sunday 26th
10000 for the first 30+sec flt by a hand launched chuck glider between now and midnight Sunday 26th

Any takers?

K K Iyer

One day gone.
One day remains! The whole of tomorrow.
This prize closes midnight 26th...


Can u add a category for like a recycled chuck glider or a cardboard one??
Cus i dont know how to make a professional-ish one?
And i dont have any balsa or foam..
I made these without any plans or blueprints


How about I send you a glider balsa kit. Would you make that fly ?!


Maybe later, thankyou.first ill try again with some foam(thermocol) tomorrow.NEVER GIVE UP
And i designed and built about 5 rc planes ,hover they did not fly very well now found out that the lateral balance was off and i didnt hava aerolns on it so after a short flight it banked right and crashed,
But im building a new one now WITH AEROLONS, so lets see.
By the way i started designing rc planes when i was 10yrs old,but that didnt fly.i didnt know about brushless motors or hobby grade tx/rx then,so i tried to make iy from a toy rc car.i've come a long way since.i now have a working,flying rc quad(450) that i designed and built from scratch,i also have a working rc boat that i built.


K K Iyer

Quote from: mansel on May 26, 2019, 05:20:43 PM
Can u add a category for like a recycled chuck glider or a cardboard one??
Cus i dont know how to make a professional-ish one?
And i dont have any balsa or foam..
I made these without any plans or blueprints

Mansel, you miss the point. Why another category?
The objective is to record a flight above a minimum duration target of 20, 30 seconds,
Irrespective of the material or design.

You have a little over 2 hours to record and post on RCI, a hand launch chuck glider flight.
After midnight today, these special prizes are withdrawn.

But you have till 30th June for the main contest.
If you don't have any balsa or foam, get some.
Or use some innovative material!
Try, try. Else we'll never Make in India!
Everyone is designing all great things, but no one has demonstrated a simple 10 sec flight...
Why not accept docsree's offer, and attempt a 10 sec flight?
Best of luck.

K K Iyer

Pl see videos in reply # 21,22,25 to see examples of what is possible...


I think ill try to make my own,i mean i designed and built a quad,many rc planes so how tough could a glider be?
And thanks for the support and quick reply


And is there any size limit?

K K Iyer

Why is our life full of doubts?
Did you see any mention of size?
You can claim the early bird prize by doing a 10 sec flight even with a frisbee

K K Iyer

In case you are asking about MINIMUM size, you should look at this.
Less than 2.5" and below 1.5gms. And remote controlled too!
By one of our young members, kiran rc.

K K Iyer


I guess the sky is the only limit.....
And my budget...