RC India

RC Baazar => Free, Donations and Sweepstakes => Topic started by: anwar on August 05, 2009, 05:05:29 PM

Title: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on August 05, 2009, 05:05:29 PM
We are very happy to annouce the RC India "11-10-09" Sweepstakes ! The winner will be chosen from among the people who make at least 10 posts in RC India forum between 04-Aug-09 and 10-Oct-09, and the winner will be decided on 11-10-09 (hence the name "11-10-09" sweepstakes!).

The winner will receive a BC6 charger with a 5A adapter  :)  It is capable of pretty much any routine charging needs for common types of batteries, including lipos upto 6s !

Rc-For-All (http://stores.ebay.in/rcforallin) has again sponsored 50% of this prize, we appreciate their continued support of RC in India AND RC India !

If any hobby reseller is interested in sponsoring the rest, please let me know via PM/email.  As a payback, sponsors will have a higher percent of free ads display on this forum. Please PM me for details of the actual cost of sponsoring this item.  You may choose to sponsor a percent of the cost (like 50% or 25%).

Again, if you have any used items in good condition that you would like to donate towards upcoming sweepstakes, please let us know.

Please spread the word !

Note that we will pick the winner only from people who have made at least 10 posts. So be sure to pitch in at least 10 times by 10-10-09 ! 

Rules :

1) RC India's decision will be final on all matters related to this sweepstakes.

2) The winner will be chosen from among the people who makes at least 10 posts in the forum between 04-Aug-09 and 10-Oct-09 (both dates inclusive).  Winner will be announced on 11-10-09.

3) RC India administrator(s), previous winners and all hobby shops are excluded from the draw. 

4) The winner details will be published here, and the item will be shipped via courier to the address provided by the winner.

Good luck to everyone, and we love having you on-board !

PS: We love you even more if you are using Futaba 2.4 radios ;D  (Note: Not a product endorsement, please search the forum as to why this was mentioned !)

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: Divyam on August 05, 2009, 05:12:45 PM
Yay!!! Perfect to go with my new 7.4v Lipo......

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: merog on August 06, 2009, 09:59:45 AM
It's good!

But I have a couple of ProdigyIIIs. Any way, some may need it very badly!

But Anwar, have you planned for an RTF or ARF kit to announce as a prize this time? It would be better! It attracts everybody and cheaper than this charger also!

What do you feel?

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: gauravag on August 06, 2009, 10:03:44 AM
Quote from: anwar on August 05, 2009, 05:05:29 PM

3) India RC administrator(s), previous winners and all hobby shops are excluded from the draw. 

Hmm.. Rc India as well as India RC administrators excluded ?  {:)} {:)} {:)}
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: rcforall on August 06, 2009, 10:07:44 AM
Time for me to create a new log in  and make 10 posts  :D :D
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on August 06, 2009, 10:10:26 AM
Quote from: gauravag on August 06, 2009, 10:03:44 AM
Quote from: anwar on August 05, 2009, 05:05:29 PM

3) India RC administrator(s), previous winners and all hobby shops are excluded from the draw. 

Hmm.. Rc India as well as India RC administrators excluded ?  {:)} {:)} {:)}

Where did I say that ?  8-)

PS:  Wouldn't the hobby shop category help with this issue ?  ;D
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on August 06, 2009, 10:14:03 AM
Quote from: the merog on August 06, 2009, 09:59:45 AM
But Anwar, have you planned for an RTF or ARF kit to announce as a prize this time? It would be better! It attracts everybody and cheaper than this charger also!

What do you feel?


Yes and no. 

The first question is what kind of ARF.  I think foamies is what everyone can use, as many people are into electrics only.  We will work out a foamie + motor + ESC combo next time around.  The winner will have to figure out the servos/battery/charger etc.

There are many who are into cars etc, that is another issue.  But satisfying everyone is impossible (just look at Sai as an example ;D ), so we will try it.
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: sahilkit on August 06, 2009, 10:34:52 AM
wow another sweepstakes  {:)} i wish i was in a position to contribute

superb anwar  {:)}


Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: Pikle6 on August 19, 2009, 05:51:39 PM
hey guys its officially 5k today and we did it in 5 months and 19 days
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

and we have had a lot of quality info

(excluding me goofing around  ;D ;D) (hey but i contributed too ;D ;D)


Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: sandeepm on August 19, 2009, 06:39:03 PM
This time i want to pick this Charger........... :o ;D :-* :'( (:|~ {:)} (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: premium on September 02, 2009, 11:39:17 PM
 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) wouldnt I love that.... {:)} {:)} (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: ankur on September 08, 2009, 10:28:27 PM
can it charge small batteries with low capacities?
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: allthatido on September 10, 2009, 06:38:46 PM
please please god let it be me this time.... ;D
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: flyingboxcar on September 11, 2009, 06:43:31 PM
Quote from: ankurgr8on on September 08, 2009, 10:28:27 PM
can it charge small batteries with low capacities?
What is your definition of small batteries?
The lowest this charger will pump out is 0.1A, so if you are looking at charging a 250mAh pack at 1/10 C  this wont do that.   
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: Pikle6 on October 06, 2009, 07:23:54 PM
hey guys in the midst of all the buzz i just forgot we just have 5 days left


all the best to everyone and hope that like last time we have the live view
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: Pikle6 on October 06, 2009, 07:25:19 PM
oh we have had a tremendous jump from 1k to 2k and now its 7k people and more
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: Pikle6 on October 12, 2009, 11:38:45 AM
hey guys did we just forget the sweepstakes today is 12-10-09 yesterday was the day

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: sahilkit on October 12, 2009, 12:17:35 PM
yeah who is the winner  :headscratch:
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 12, 2009, 12:23:59 PM
What's the hurry  :P   Will get to it tonight (most likely).  Will try to do a live meeting thing where others can see the draw.  But too busy with other priorities to do it right away.
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 13, 2009, 04:35:07 PM
The following 56 users are eligible to participate (10 posts of higher in the specified period).  I am going to let random.org pick a number between 1 and 56 and announce the winner. If it picks me or one of the hobby store owners (at least the people who have admitted so ;D), the draw will be repeated.  

If the winner already has a good charger and wishes to forgo the prize so that someone more needy may get a chance, please let me know.

| anwar               |      834 |
| rcforall            |      529 |
| Pikle6              |      323 |
| sahilkit            |      238 |
| izmile              |      150 |
| PankajC             |      147 |
| tg                  |      145 |
| atul_pg             |      140 |
| flyingboxcar        |      124 |
| sandeepm            |      120 |
| ankurkaul17         |      114 |
| gauravag            |      107 |
| chanvivek           |      106 |
| RotorZone           |      102 |
| saurabhhsrivastavaa |      101 |
| rckatty             |       87 |
| martian2121         |       75 |
| amir                |       72 |
| mpsaju              |       64 |
| mail4ajo            |       61 |
| sushil_anand        |       51 |
| premvijay           |       50 |
| Ashta               |       42 |
| gotoyogesh007       |       38 |
| santhosh            |       34 |
| theaviator          |       34 |
| the merog           |       31 |
| Sahevaan            |       29 |
| rajsigma            |       27 |
| suniljoseph         |       26 |
| nabam               |       26 |
| Rao                 |       25 |
| saikat              |       24 |
| likith              |       22 |
| eleven              |       21 |
| rcdhamaka           |       19 |
| akash               |       19 |
| harikeshpk          |       18 |
| Sreedhar            |       17 |
| avijit17basu        |       17 |
| ankurgr8on          |       16 |
| Divyam              |       16 |
| paddy7789           |       14 |
| Nehutech            |       13 |
| Rooster             |       13 |
| TEJASCOOL007        |       13 |
| jitender            |       12 |
| zipperone           |       12 |
| B.karthik           |       12 |
| aforadi             |       11 |
| hangingtough        |       11 |
| aimbug              |       11 |
| Rajib               |       11 |
| FlyJoe              |       10 |
| cessna172           |       10 |
| vinay               |       10 |
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 13, 2009, 04:44:48 PM
The winner is #49 in the list...  Hearty congrats to RC India member...

:thumbsup: B.karthik {:)}  (http://www.rcindia.org/profile/?u=132)

Please PM me your contact details, so that I can arrange delivery of the charger.

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: PankajC on October 13, 2009, 04:54:50 PM
Congratulations B.Karthik......
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: allthatido on October 13, 2009, 04:57:34 PM
congrats karthik {:)}
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: rcforall on October 13, 2009, 05:13:14 PM
Kartik Come over and pick it up any time mobile No. 9380577074 {:)}

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: PankajC on October 13, 2009, 06:00:39 PM
Off track....

Anwar, how did you manage to sum up the count of posts? I did a quick check from the 'Show Own Post' link and figured that I have posted less than what is being reported. I think it 116 for the duration should be more accurate rather than 147.

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 13, 2009, 06:10:17 PM
My numbers cannot be wrong, since they are all coming directly from the forum database.  Here is a breakdown of your posts by topic.  Adds up fine to 147.

| Re: Scratch Build - Cub Trainer                                                      |       15 |
| Re: Glow vs electric                                                                 |        7 |
| Re: 4 Ch Flight Simulator                                                            |        7 |
| Re: The RC India 2K sweepstakes                                                      |        6 |
| Re: Big brand radio comparisons with others                                          |        4 |
| Re: Radio tech and the obsolete 2.4 ghz                                              |        4 |
| Re: Can we use A123 on planes?                                                       |        4 |
| Re: We need cheaper alternatives to promote the hobby                                |        4 |
| Re: Futaba 6EXAS 72 Mhz with 2000 mah Lipo upgraded for sale                         |        3 |
| Re: Material sources - Foam board / coro sheets                                      |        3 |
| Re: Covering foam wings                                                              |        3 |
| Re: Strengthening foam                                                               |        3 |
| Re: How to - Servo                                                                   |        3 |
| Re: Taking care of Lipos                                                             |        3 |
| Re: How to wire ESC to battery and motor                                             |        3 |
| Re: Futaba 6ch                                                                       |        2 |
| Re: Selecting LiPo                                                                   |        2 |
| Re: Puffed New Li-Po Battery                                                         |        2 |
| Re: Servo selection guidelines                                                       |        2 |
| Re: "Indian Trainer" Build Log: An Excellent Indian Material Based Trainer |        2 |
| Re: Searching members by city                                                        |        2 |
| Re: Fitting Prop on motor                                                            |        2 |
| Re: Feedback on online RC Outlets outside India                                      |        2 |
| Re: Are you still skeptical about 2.4Ghz radio systems ?                             |        2 |
| Re: my 1st hobby city order                                                          |        2 |
| Re: Understanding Electric Power Systems                                             |        2 |
| Re: Lack of RC innovation in India                                                   |        2 |
| Big brand radio comparisons with others                                              |        1 |
| Glow vs electric                                                                     |        1 |
| Startup items for Glow and Electric                                                  |        1 |
| 4 Ch Flight Simulator                                                                |        1 |
| Selecting a Servo                                                                    |        1 |
| Re: Selecting a Servo                                                                |        1 |
| Re: Simulator Videos                                                                 |        1 |
| Re: Flying tutorials, from take-off to 3D!                                           |        1 |
| Futaba 6ch                                                                           |        1 |
| Re: shaping balsa                                                                    |        1 |
| Re: Cheapest source of balsa wood                                                    |        1 |
| Selecting LiPo                                                                       |        1 |
| 2.4G Conversion vs branded                                                           |        1 |
| Mode 1 vs Mode 2                                                                     |        1 |
| Re: License to use RC set for flying.                                                |        1 |
| Re: 2.4G Conversion vs branded                                                       |        1 |
| Servo selection guidelines                                                           |        1 |
| Re: Extract of  a Govt Circular                                                      |        1 |
| Prop question                                                                        |        1 |
| ESC question                                                                         |        1 |
| Re: SHOULD EVERY RC-MODEL GLIDE ??                                                   |        1 |
| Re: ESC question                                                                     |        1 |
| Searching members by city                                                            |        1 |
| Re: scratch built R/C Trainer Plane 2 channel ------------ build log !               |        1 |
| Strengthening foam                                                                   |        1 |
| Re: Choice of planes                                                                 |        1 |
| Servo and Rx                                                                         |        1 |
| Re: Servo and Rx                                                                     |        1 |
| Electrical power system                                                              |        1 |
| Posting New Topic                                                                    |        1 |
| Scratch Build - Cub Trainer                                                          |        1 |
| Re: Posting New Topic                                                                |        1 |
| Re: Building tip: How to check and adjust for CG of a plane                          |        1 |
| Fitting Prop on motor                                                                |        1 |
| Re: Converting a low cost chinese r/c car into an r/c plane                          |        1 |
| How to - Servo                                                                       |        1 |
| Re: Using a larger ESC than required                                                 |        1 |
| Re: GT Power A6 10 - 10 Amp 200 watt charger                                         |        1 |
| Re: Ornithopter                                                                      |        1 |
| Re: Hair cut for a heli lover                                                        |        1 |
| Can we use A123 on planes?                                                           |        1 |
| Lack of RC innovation in India                                                       |        1 |
| Re: A123 batteries on sale - 3.3V - 1100mAh                                          |        1 |
| Re: Hobbycity quality stuff is cheap                                                 |        1 |
| How to wire ESC to battery and motor                                                 |        1 |
| Re: How to make this forum successful                                                |        1 |
| Re: wanna buy radio system from delhi                                                |        1 |
| We need cheaper alternatives to promote the hobby                                    |        1 |
| True aeromodellers                                                                   |        1 |
| Re: HobbyCity Parcel Detained at Customs!!!                                          |        1 |
| Re: space shuttle                                                                    |        1 |

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: sahilkit on October 13, 2009, 06:17:30 PM
its great that the charger is going to a beginner {:)}
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: sahilkit on October 13, 2009, 06:29:25 PM
anwar so what could be the next sweep take gift....................glow/electric combo  8-)

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: Pikle6 on October 13, 2009, 06:33:49 PM

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 14, 2009, 06:28:04 AM
Quote from: sahilkit on October 13, 2009, 06:29:25 PM
anwar so what could be the next sweep take gift....................glow/electric combo  8-)


Hoping to announce it in a week...  Let us keep everyone guessing until then  >:D

Or, we can have some fun doing a poll, trying to see what people would like (I am hoping the beginners here will all vote, and swing the polls towards their opinion, because RC India has a bias towards them  ;) )

The poll will posted separately in a little bit.
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: rcforall on October 14, 2009, 06:34:43 AM
Does the Sweep stake really matter  :argue: to majority of the members should be the poll I guess   ???  how many really pay attention to it  8-).
This should be an option in the poll.
Why not have some kind of competition instead  like we had though at an earlier poll

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 14, 2009, 07:05:42 AM
Of course many of the members here are already established, and do not need any sweepstakes.  But there is always a set of beginners, who may benefit from it.  It also helps in a small part of keep RC India lively.

A competition is hard to do at the national level (works best at the city level); and even if we did that, the benefit would most likely go to the people who are already experienced and established.
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: rcforall on October 14, 2009, 07:17:30 AM
Anwar ,
Why not have a competition to make the best beginners Plane for Eg  with the criterion being
1) Ease of building
2) Availability of material
3) Economy.
4) Ability to fly at a local Park or school ground
5) originality of design

The reason I am saying this is cos I believe that this hobby can grow only if the youth ( students ) can form flying clubs and fly at their college/school  grounds without need to go long distances to fly .
The reason this hobby has grown so much in US is because guys fly at  back yards , streets , parks , playgrounds etc.

So why not have the experienced members here use their experience to design a plane for a beginner  :headscratch:
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 14, 2009, 07:24:05 AM
I am fully open to RC-For-All organizing and conducting such a competition.  RC India can be the medium/platform.  It does not have to mixed up with the sweepstakes thing we are running.

You have our full support  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: rcforall on October 14, 2009, 08:26:02 AM
Sure  would be a good idea to launch the Website  under construction now :headscratch:

You will be the Judge for sure  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 14, 2009, 11:21:55 AM
Quote from: rcforall on October 13, 2009, 05:13:14 PM
Kartik Come over and pick it up any time mobile No. 9380577074 {:)}

Thanks again to RC-For-All for sponsoring the charger !
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: PankajC on October 14, 2009, 12:10:40 PM
Quote from: anwar on August 05, 2009, 05:05:29 PM
We are very happy to annouce the RC India "11-10-09" Sweepstakes !
Rules :
2) The winner will be chosen from among the people who makes at least 10 posts in the forum between 04-Aug-09 and 10-Oct-09 (both dates inclusive).  Winner will be announced on 11-10-09.

Quote from: anwar on October 13, 2009, 06:10:17 PM
My numbers cannot be wrong, since they are all coming directly from the forum database.  Here is a breakdown of your posts by topic.  Adds up fine to 147.

Thanks for the detailed list, but see how I reached my conclusion.

In the 'Show Own Post' tab, I am presented with a total of 152 post (153 including this one). Each post is timestamped and I am going with the assumption that the pages in the 'Sow Own Post' appear in descending order of date.

Post # 1 to #5 are dated11th Oct or later
Post #122 onwards are dated 3rd Aug or earlier
So the effective number of posts for the period (4th Aug to 10th Oct)  = 121-5 = 116

So my submission is that if your logic for filtering the data from the DB is correct, then the 'Show Own Post' page is reporting incorrectly or the my assumption is incorrect.

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: anwar on October 14, 2009, 12:17:58 PM
I would suggest you verify the threads based on the list above, if you want to get into such detail. 

The possibility of difference between our numbers would be that I used the server time (which is US Central time) versus IST.  But then I have been doing all sweepstakes based on server time, so I am consistent  ;) 
Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: PankajC on October 14, 2009, 12:29:38 PM
Quote from: anwar on October 14, 2009, 12:17:58 PM
I would suggest you verify the threads based on the list above, if you want to get into such detail. 

The possibility of difference between our numbers would be that I used the server time (which is US Central time) versus IST.  But then I have been doing all sweepstakes based on server time, so I am consistent  ;) 

Come on Anwar, who would want to get into such details!!! Its just that when you announced the winner along with the posts, it got me wondering - "Did I only post 5-6 entries before the sweepstakes?", and hence my little research.  :)

Anyway, I do appreciate all the hardwork that you do to keep this forum alive. :salute:

Title: Re: The RC India 11-10-09 sweepstakes
Post by: me-my-parts on January 06, 2010, 12:29:14 AM
I would be awaiting for a competition and the website.  (:|~ (:|~ (:|~ (:|~