Selecting the suitable heli Engine

Started by bhaazee, March 19, 2012, 02:01:57 PM

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Hello RCIndia,

I want to build a heli that weights 40 kg. I am not able to find a suitable heli engine beyond 50 cc category. Aero engines upto 220 cc are available in the market. I want to know if the engines designed for planes can be used for building Helis. What may be the possible problems when using them?



Sorry, forgot to add a point. I would like to have comments also on what happens when the aero engines (mostly designed for mounting the engine horizontally) are mounted vertically (for the heli). Would there be any problem with the functioning of the carburetor? ???



Pardon my suspicions, but you listed as from Chennai, but you are posting from an IP address based in Germany.  Now I can see couple of reasons why that can happen, but there are other concerns.

You are trying to build a 40KG heli, and you want it to fly for 3miles on telemetry.  None of this seem like hobbyist interests, so let us start with a LOT more background on what you are trying to do, and preferably a bit more information about who you are (not your name or contact information, but what you do for a living etc).
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Quote from: bhaazee on March 19, 2012, 02:01:57 PM
I want to build a heli that weights 40 kg. I am not able to find a suitable heli engine beyond 50 cc category. Aero engines upto 220 cc are available in the market. I want to know if the engines designed for planes can be used for building Helis. What may be the possible problems when using them?

i have a few questions:

are you building the complete heli?? (like swashplate, rotor assembly, ball links etc)
if not then what kit are you going to be purchasing for a 40kg? and from where?
any past experience flying helis?
what type of investment are you comfortable of keeping aside for a 40kg heli??

if you could answer these then every body could chip in with info

all the best !


Hello Anwar,
   Quiet a reasonable doubt. I am doing my masters in Germany (completing it in a couple of months). I live in Chennai. Since I am planning to move back to chennai I though, it would make sense to name my city as chennai

Now moving to ur nxt doubt, I am basically a mechanical engineer. Have not much knowledge on the real life electronics. The Heli i am planning to make is aimed at applications based on agriculture, performs more of autonomous operations and hence requires least of manual operations. Thus I was thinking that whether the Heli requires a RC transmitter to control the flight (may be I am wrong). Also, for the purpose of diagnostics I am planning to add a telemetric device (data will be read by a computer). If at all my Heli needs an over-ride to manual mode, then I was thinking why not use the same telemetric equipment to fly the Heli, as sending commands to fly the Heli doesn't require much data band. Thus, I am trying to get myself corrected if I was wrong.

Hope I have clarified your doubts


Hi 2nd chance,
   Well I have been searching for suppliers but in vain. working the basics on paper at the moment. However, first will be building a miniature prototype. Since the project is more of autonomous based it will be sure a long way to go. Btw I have no experience in flying rc vehicles
For a Miniature I will be happy if I can complete the project with a budget of  :Rs: 30 to 40k (including coding, etc.)
Based on the miniature results I will be proceeding to the actual project. Till then the actual project will be on paper....


You are aware that fairly autonomous controllers are already availably (that work in conjunction with RC).  There are multiple threads here about such controllers... like this one :'3-idiots'-copter-is-part-of-our-forces/

For the frame that can handle 40KG, you will have to spend some big money.  You can try fixed pitch designs (if you are going DIY), I flew a Vario turbine one that was in that range, and it was fixed pitch.

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Well! Went through this ideaforge site sometime before. Too costly a project I would say.

I am currently studying the various options available to fly this Copter (either as mono or multicopter). Since, this won't be a common assemble, tune and fly model, the individual parts have to be built from scrap. Also, the autonomous operation what I expect is far complex than the mission planner of diydrones community. May be that is where I might have to sweat on apart from body design


I don't know what your "agricultural" plans are, but people are using plain RC for stuff like this :
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Well The Yamaha Rmax is used just as an UAV (as u said) for Agricultural purpose and can be used as autonomous UAV for other operations.

By the way, Rmax costs approximately 80000 $ and is not for sale. Its only rented out by Yamaha
