Time to glow again?

Started by K K Iyer, April 10, 2017, 10:24:37 PM

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Needle rotating with barrel is normal. some carbs are designed that way. for eg Norvel 06. the dial should not else low end setting will change. if the rachet is missing try putting a piece of fuel tube that should offer some resistance. Or match a carb from another donor engine. lastly get a new carb from Mecoa
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com

K K Iyer

Heard a song called "My get up and go has got up and went"?

On similar lines,

My fingers are weary and my glow plug is dim
The Fuji will fire only as per its whim
When I used to fly
With a control line
A Fuji used to screw me
Again every time

When I grew up and got an Enya
Or an OS, as the case may be
To my surprise a BLDC
Was better than any engine could be...


K K Iyer

@sundaram sir,
Sent it to John (DeCruz), a childhood aeromodelling pal, who ran India's Hobby Centre in Delhi in its heyday, but who's too low key to come on any forum.
His response? 'Next verse'

So here's the next verse

All these electric guys
With a soul so dead
Never heard a TeeDee
Given its head

Or even just a Babe Bee
In an Ugly Stick That flies
Just great Though it looks
Like a brick

I fear this kind of stuff will have a rather limited audience.
At least I'm not hijacking someone else's thread!


Quote from: K K Iyer on April 18, 2017, 10:40:14 PM

Again every time

When I grew up and got an Enya
Or an OS, as the case may be
To my surprise a BLDC
Was better than any engine could be...


K K Iyer

@saikat sir,
Been a while, eh?
Remember your dad's stuff that you gave me for a pittance?
One of my childhood friends saw the stuff, and he just couldn't resist taking away the Russian diesel and the one with the rear exhaust.

Wanted to ask you what this was (top left of pic one)
Then i found this on the net (pic 2)
Seems to be a two speed carb...

In the stuff you sent me was this.
What is it? (Pic 3)



hi KK - how are things

- yes the bulbous object is a carb for the os pet . Never used it though

the last pic - i can't place.

the first plane I built using the os pet was a SKY BEE comtrol line a/c from hobby center.
flew it with kite strings stranded 4 times. worked ok

K K Iyer

@ saikat sir,
Looked through the Nokia box (that you sent everything in) and realised that the needle is for the Fuji!

Still don't know what that black threaded tubular part is  ???

Just holding the OS Pet and the Fuji tickles an oldtimer's memory glands (or wherever memories are stored, like the troubles we had with a Fuji 15 as compared to our late lamented ever reliable Enya 19...)

I can understand why rcjabalpur wants an OS 10. Not to use, just to hold!

Wonder if you have an Enya to spare from your Dad's stuff? If so, a loving home awaits...

Talking of Dad's gifts, you won't believe what my friend Ahmed gave me. Something his Dad didn't finish.
(Before I restore/complete it, I need to give away a gift to someone that needs/deserves it...)

But then my Dad used to say 'the way to Hell is paved with good intentions'


that sir is a curare - one of the all time greats of pattern (unless I'm horribly wrong)

saw one flown by a sardarji gentleman in kolkata race course about 30 yrs back

absolute poetry in motion .

none of the jerky 3d stuff

K K Iyer

@ saikat sir,
Right first time!
Can you imagine being gifted an 80% complete Curare?
(Actually 57" span, hence a Minare for 40 power. Lucky me. Have a new 46, but no 60)

Now to find out if the pilot you saw was a certain M.M.Singh (now a retd Gr Capt)...

Small world perhaps!