Ideal setup for 3D on yak

Started by amir, July 28, 2009, 03:01:08 AM

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i have bought a YAK 54 , 55 size plane
having some doubts,
what shud be done in order to get ideal 3d performance ?
like i am using 12.25*3.75 prop but feeling engine overloaded when trying to hover, which prop shud i use ?
is 4.8 v on s3004 standard servo setup sufficient ?
i am using ASP 52 engine.
what shud be ideal control throws ?
etc etc,
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Some questions and points here..

1. Which company is the YAK?? If CMPro, then it is not a 3D plane!
2. The ASP .52 runs perfectly on the 12.25 x 3.75.  I have used it and it doesnt strain the engine!! Even the APC 13x4 W is a good choice..
3. What is the AUW of your plane?? If it is a 55 size plane, then you would get 3D performance (if the model is 3D capable) only when you put in a .61 2 stroke or even better a .91 4 stroke! This might even be the problem of the engine overloading.  You might be trying to pull a heavier plane on a slightly underpowered setup!!
4. Ideally the engine should run smoothly and effortlessly at a slightly richer setting than the peak.. If you have to lean the engine out completely to get performance, then the engine life would reduce dramatically and also you might start feeling power loss in less than a year!

- Chan


Quote from: chanvivek on July 28, 2009, 09:27:49 AM
when you put in a .61 2 stroke or even better a .91 4 stroke!

- Chan

OVER Powering  electric OR Glow  ;) :D ;D :D ;D. : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


I would be tempted both ways ;)!


I am not sure why you are focusing so much on 3D . In my opinion, there are much better things you could do with your plane, than 3D .
Try to fly pattern . And do it accurately. If you master pattern flying, then you would be able to do 3D later on, without too much effort.

With your current YAK setup, i suggest you give engine a few tanks to properly break in before trying to do a lot of hoverings.. Trying to hover puts a lot of strain on the engine, and you do not want to do that with your new engine.

One more thing. You asked for the ideal setup for 3d. apart from the plane and engine ( which i think you already have a good one ) , you need to properly trim your mode. Trimming a model airplane properly is a long process and involves Static and Dynamic trimming. You also need to ensure that you have "true inputs" and compensate any pitch or roll couplings with CG, or computer radio mixing.
Today's simulators, though are helpful in training, leave a lot to be learnt on the field. That is why it is so much easier to do 3D on Realflight, than to do on the field with your airplane, that somehow seems to have a mind of its own !

Hope this helps !


Quote from: gauravag on July 28, 2009, 01:21:54 PM
I am not sure why you are focusing so much on 3D . In my opinion, there are much better things you could do with your plane, than 3D .
Try to fly pattern . And do it accurately. If you master pattern flying, then you would be able to do 3D later on, without too much effort.

Agree with Gaurav. Pattern flying in more challenging than 3D. Hovering the plane and doing high alpha manuavers are relatively easy when compared to precision pattern flying. Like 3D flying Pattern require more of quick reflexes, timing and precision.

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


i m not sure of brand, but i got frm bombay rc mdodels,
but its not cmpro.
i am also confused abt proper cg position as it was not given in manual,  i have set it to the thickest part of wing.
how much i shift it back fot 3d ?
i am desperate todo hovering on it..
pls tell me
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Flying skills are much more important than tricks like making the plane tail heavy.  Of course these tricks do help, but ultimately, it is your fingers that hovers the plane  ;) 

If you can do it for a while on a simulator on a model that is not tweaked using gyros, then you should be able to hover as long as the plane has the thrust needed.  The rest of the small adjustments are just minor aides, from my experience.
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well i am master on simulator
but i am actually afraid on real plane..
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Can you really hover continuously for couple of minutes on a good sim (not FMS!), with wind turned on quite a bit ? 

If so, you should not have much to worry about on the field, except try it high enough so that you can recover in case something goes wrong.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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well i m master on simulator
just afraid on real one
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed



What sim do you use?? How long can you hover on the sim? Can you pilot the plane in hover stance to wherever you want it to go?? If yes, then you can hover quite comfortably in real life.. Just get over the fear factor..

Though I can hover for however long I want to on realflight g4.5, I am able to hover only for about 30 to 45 secs in the field! That is because of improper trimming and heavy winds.. Trimming is not only the radio trims, it also involved extensively testing your plane to get the other parameters like CG, lateral CG etc., perfectly on target!!  And not to mention a nice power setup on the nose!! :D!

- Chan


     Where did you get the real flight 4.5?


yes i can hover like that on sim,
will try on field
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


is futaba S3004 servo sufficient for it or need more torque ??
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


I use Futaba S3001 on my Yak as well as used them on my Funstar.. For better 3D performance go in for Hitec digital!

- Chan


whats better in 3001?
as cost of 3004 is lower but it has more torque than 3001 and also lightweight ?
why is 3001 costier ?
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed