My 50 -cc gasser build thread

Started by gauravag, December 13, 2009, 11:03:55 AM

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Thanks Harveer. I have everything set up now. Bought fuel, mixed in LawnBoy Ashless, installed batteries, ziptied everything, installed fuel tank etc etc.

WIll take pictures in the next hour and post them here fort your comments.

I intend to do a test run of the engine tomorrow, and maiden it on Saturday.

Quick question : The manual called for crimping the pull-pull steel wires. Now I do not have a crimp tool. Should i just tighten it with pliers, or add a drop of solder for added protection ?


This thread will surely help for the one who wants to get started in a gas engine rc planes.


Quote from: gauravag on October 21, 2010, 06:57:18 PM

Quick question : The manual called for crimping the pull-pull steel wires. Now I do not have a crimp tool. Should i just tighten it with pliers, or add a drop of solder for added protection ?

Its perfectly fine, can use CA also as reinforcement.

Best of Luck....Happy Landing.




Ok, Here are a few pictures showing my setup.
Please suggest improvements if any that can be made to the setup !


Some more here.

You will notice I used a lot of Align straps here. Found them handy !

For the tank, i have a 3 line setup, and on the fill line, I have used a Align stopper. Would that be OK to use ?


How u r going to charge the batteries after cowl takes place ? & put a pc. of these chinese fuel line (2-3" pc.) in petrol for a day to check the quality, if changes shape (expands) change with better ones (any branded or checked).


The charge leads come out from the swithc into the fuselage. Since the batteries are A123, i do not plan to balance them on every charge. Eventually i will build out balancer extensions and route them into the fuselage.

BTW any ideas/suggestions on how to install a smoke system ?


Ok a friend mentioned that i should strengthen the firewall box and recoat everything with epoxy. So did that today.
Also mounted the switches inside the fuselage. I was not very happy with them at the bottom, where they would have been exposed to dust and perhaps more vibration from being near the engine.

Engine test start and maiden still scheduled for tomorrow.


Please change the fuel tubing.. I think these are the ones supplied with the model.. They will crimp, bend and will cause a dead stick.. 100 %

dead stick with a big plane..= strict noo noo..

Change to dubro or WM as soon as possible..


The fuel tubing i am using is what i got from Rotor -{23C39BA9-E089-4841-BE00-28A4BF3E077A}

It did look pretty thin to me and a little hard too. I do not have Dubro or WM tubing yet, but I do have 4 feet of tubing, that came with TME smoke pump -

Do you think that would be better ? Its meant for smoke oil, so should be able to handle Gas as well ?

If so, I will change it before engine start/maiden.



Ok i went ahead and replaced the lines with the smoke oil ones. I guess if a tubing holds good for smoke oil then it should, for gas too.

This tubing was of a bigger diameter too. i think 1/8 "

BTW with the lawnboy ashless, the fuel color is dark gray. Is this OK ?


Dark gray Color is perfectly fine.... 


Good news.
I was able to maiden this today and it went off well. Did only one flight today as had engine starting problems at the field. and the light was going down. Flew like a charm. No trims needed, though i had ealrier been surprised on the kind of nose weight this took !
Videos/pictures coming soon.
More flights scheduled tomorrow morning.


Thanks to everyone here - Anwar, Harveer, Flying Doc, Manyu , Chan and Sandy for being there to help me out with this. Your suggestions/advice have been invaluable and without which I wouldnt have been able to fly this today.


Here is the video for the maiden :

Thanks to Gaurav Bansal who did the commentary. The plane is a Yak-54 and not an Extra as said in the video.


Quick question.
I am new to pull-pull setups. Today while flying this, i noticed that the plane was sort of tail-wagging on high speed passes. I landed to notice there was a slop on the rudder.
I tightetned the cables, but need to know how tight they should be ?

Also even if pretty tight, there is a tiny slop, because of the large rudder horn amplifying the play on servo.
Servo is Hitec-7955TG


And here is a video of the first landing !

flying doc

Great flying and landing.
Hope you have lots of fun with this plane.
Safe landings always.
Tiger Sports 40, SPA3D, SPAD Extra all with ASP 52 engines.
SPAD Debonair with OS 46
Turbo Raven 60 with an ASP 91
Next build - Accipiter 91 with DLE 20
Futaba 6EXAP, Futaba 10 CAP



Nice build & fly.. But why are you flying the plane without a cowl?


Because the engine is still breaking in. Will put the cowl after a few flights when I am more confident of the engine, its tuning and CG


Quote from: gauravag on October 24, 2010, 09:46:28 PM
Because the engine is still breaking in. Will put the cowl after a few flights when I am more confident of the engine, its tuning and CG

Don't worry about the engine brake in.. or cooling.  You can still fly the plane with the cowl on. Many people here i see do this but i personally never found this necessary.


Great to see the maiden :thumbsup:

Quote from: gauravag on October 23, 2010, 11:42:59 PM
Did only one flight today as had engine starting problems at the field.

This is exactly what I was referring to.  The first tank is always sort of unpredictable in terms of tuning (ie, dead-sticks).
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