3D Flight Training for Helicopters - Some resources

Started by anwar, October 19, 2009, 05:59:12 PM

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I learned the other way, first heli was a 6ch 450 v2, crashed n crashed.

not a complete video but at end you can see inverted circuit.. Its a old video but now i can handle it pretty well...

Actually shannon majority of time i fly alone, and there is no one to record my actions , in my contact no heli lovers in baroda.. Believe me i have never seen any other heli other than what i own...  my potent copter hiller :)
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


Agile 7.2                 (Kde 12s | Yge | Kds Hv | Sk540)
Goblin 700 Carbon  (Kde 12s | Yge | Rjx | Sk540)
Goblin 500 Sports   (Quantum 6s | HW | KST | Sk540)
Gaui X3                   (Scorpion 6s | Castle Bec | Yep | Tgy306hv | SK540)
Multiplex Funjet | Dynam Su26M | Arising Star

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Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


nice have more sim practice it will get better .....
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


Thanks Shannon . looking forward to inverted reverse circuit.. Can do it perfectly in sim but...TT..  I fear sacrificing my heli...
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


Avesh I'm sure once you try that on your Chopper , You will do that everyday without fear lol
Agile 7.2                 (Kde 12s | Yge | Kds Hv | Sk540)
Goblin 700 Carbon  (Kde 12s | Yge | Rjx | Sk540)
Goblin 500 Sports   (Quantum 6s | HW | KST | Sk540)
Gaui X3                   (Scorpion 6s | Castle Bec | Yep | Tgy306hv | SK540)
Multiplex Funjet | Dynam Su26M | Arising Star

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Yes Dhruva.. I still remember the my first inverted circuit. It was full of excitement and joy.. For a second it was like a trauma. Firstly when did a transition from linear hovers to sports.. Second was when I did a reverse circuit. Third inverted...  Now I think I can finally upgrade to a premium heli..
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


Yeh hui na baat ... hahaha ! what are you planning ? Do keep your 450 with you always.
Agile 7.2                 (Kde 12s | Yge | Kds Hv | Sk540)
Goblin 700 Carbon  (Kde 12s | Yge | Rjx | Sk540)
Goblin 500 Sports   (Quantum 6s | HW | KST | Sk540)
Gaui X3                   (Scorpion 6s | Castle Bec | Yep | Tgy306hv | SK540)
Multiplex Funjet | Dynam Su26M | Arising Star

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Hiller 550.... Hahahahahah
Probably  550 size heli... My dads going to sponsor if I could reduce my weight to 70kgs --- 70k heli.. Currently 77
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


Hahahah Awesome . 1 month I guess . Have you researched about few 550s? I would recommend Trex 550 or Gaui x5 or Agile 5.5 or 6hv ultimate maybe .
Agile 7.2                 (Kde 12s | Yge | Kds Hv | Sk540)
Goblin 700 Carbon  (Kde 12s | Yge | Rjx | Sk540)
Goblin 500 Sports   (Quantum 6s | HW | KST | Sk540)
Gaui X3                   (Scorpion 6s | Castle Bec | Yep | Tgy306hv | SK540)
Multiplex Funjet | Dynam Su26M | Arising Star

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Shyam Hembram

Am waiting for motor to fly my Heli for 2nd time.last time I flew it was abt 6months back
Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)


Hahaha that's a long Gap dude . You already ordered ? Which one
Agile 7.2                 (Kde 12s | Yge | Kds Hv | Sk540)
Goblin 700 Carbon  (Kde 12s | Yge | Rjx | Sk540)
Goblin 500 Sports   (Quantum 6s | HW | KST | Sk540)
Gaui X3                   (Scorpion 6s | Castle Bec | Yep | Tgy306hv | SK540)
Multiplex Funjet | Dynam Su26M | Arising Star

--------------  Married With Helicopters!  ----------

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Shyam Hembram

Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)