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Align trex 250

Started by santhosh, September 26, 2010, 06:00:05 PM

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anwar bhai, i went through the thread....i set my pitch curve now....can you give me the values for throt curve...and what exactly is gov mode? can it be used for 250s?


guys good news finally....setup a perfect thr and pitch curve and voila tail is tamed!! well atleast for 8 minutes of hover with the new outrage battery! guess it was the vibs and low headspeed that was the cause for the bad performance! and i've set delay to 0! :thumbsup: well hoping it will continue to hold well....thank you guys for all the suggestions and the help.... :bow:i still have some mechanical tuning to do...this forum and u guys rock :thumbsup: :bow: thank you anwar bhai :bow: :bow:


what is motor bearing lubricant? can i use a viscous bike chain lubricating oil? i have used it to lubricate the head and tail bearings and it helps...


Quote from: rccrazydoc on December 07, 2010, 11:03:36 PM
and i've set delay to 0!

It should have been zero all along, while using a fast tail servo like the one you have been using.  The delay is to be used only when the servo is slow and cannot catch up with the demands of the gyro.  Actually that may have been the main reason for your issues.
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Hahaha, didnt i tell u on the phone to increase the throttle curve on the phone that day that the tail may not be getting enough authority? Shankoo ninda bandrene theertha.

Anyways, congrats on solving the problem  :)


 :P ;D ;D good one vinay...but that wasn't the only problem!i think i've figured out now....after the crash i had ca glued the gyro pad which caused it to harden and gp780 is quite sensitive to vibs so hence the wag!but of course other minor issues also added to still not 100% satisfied with the tail....have ordered some pads and metal plate so got to try that....wag is gone for now....

Quote from: anwar on December 08, 2010, 02:34:56 AM
It should have been zero all along...
and actually anwar bhai i did start off with 0 delay initially and when the wag dint go i had to set it! :)


Metal Pad? what the heck, order a quark instead. u should not be so sensitive to the gyros. I think I should have asked you to touch the tail boom of my HK 450 at full hs  ;D.


Actually the Quark comes with a metal pad, but for use on the bigger helis (from what I remember).
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iam planning to mount my quarks using align gel pad.


 Anwar bhai i see i've got a promotion as a senior member ;) ;D btw kindly reply to my previous post on motor bearing lubrication -post no.103 !thank you


Normally you do not have to do motor lubrication, except for some motors like Scorpion where they highly recommend it. There is already discussion on this here.
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anwar bhai any videos of you or rajesh flying? want to see the pro's in action


there are many if u search this forum.


can you post some links vinay


guys got some replacement parts today....the flybar seesaw bearing had some considerable amount of play!replaced it and mounted a gyro plate also...the wag has vanished! :thumbsup:well that added a lot to my experience to deal with problems next time... :)yet to change the main gear though! tried replacing the one way bearing but ended up damaging it...better to replace the whole gear instead which costs just a few extra $ expensive hobby i must say :o :obut worth everything!hey Vinay i guess the 450 build will have to wait for a while :(...have to start exam preps and also a little tight on budget this month...but when i start you'll be my guide through it! ;)


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hi fellow fliers
merry Christmas and a very happy new year...! was out on a holiday for 12 days...!back to base camp...missed my helis ;) well dusted my 250 and did some hovering for about 3 using an old spare main gear so theres a significant wobble coz of some previous crash still waiting for new ones to come...some delay due to xmas i guess.... >:(...noticed a very minimal wag...! not bad but does keep bothering...otherwise the li'l devil responded well to controls...was hovering in some breeze so was a good practice...luckily no crashes ;) that wag coz of the main gear wobble...?


Should we summarize that 250 is not a beginners heli?  :headscratch:

I never thought they would cauze so much issues, especially being an Align original and all original components.


Quote from: vinay on December 24, 2010, 09:22:31 PM
Should we summarize that 250 is not a beginners heli?  :headscratch:

I never thought they would cauze so much issues, especially being an Align original and all original components.

if u ask me 100% right
i would say best beginner heli is t-rex 550 or gaui x5 or similar  stability and good hang time make the crash frequency down, even atom hv6 even do it is using 12s but it is light so 2 6s 3300mha is ok for long fly time

electric rules  ;o)
henseleit TDR v-bar5,1
henseleit mp xl-e v-bar 4,0
logo 600 v-bar 5,1
logo 400 v-bar 5,1
rave 450 mini v-bar 5,1


true guys...250s are not for beginners....but had already bought it before i realised that...and fault maybe on my side also...i may be overlooking some issues here...probably will get better over a period of time...but havent regretted buying this one....will get into 450 or 500 size helis in 8 months or so...till then just gonna hang in there...!


Hmm... I am ASSUMING it would not be all that bad if the beginner spent quite some time on the sim AND the cyclics are toned down with expo and/or DR :headscratch:
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hi guys hope u all have been having a rocking new year so far! 250 wag is fixed and has been flying great for about 8 packs of hovering and little bit of forward flight... re-adjusted the servo on the mounts in such a way that there is absolutely no bend in the control rod...and i reduced my end-points on the rudder channel to 100...previously 110...wag is fixed( about 95%) occasional mild side wards swing is seen but not significant....maybe when i get a quark i might have a solid tail ....meanwhile i have a question...i have tucked in the esc and motor wires within the main frame and the gyro and servo wires too! the motor/esc wires are almost touching the gyro and its wires from the inside....can this be causing some interference in the gyro performance?....need some help soon guys!!
thank you


It is definitely advisable to keep the gyro away from interference as possible especially the ESC/MOTOR and some say even keep it a lil away from RX!


I have kept the ESC outside, as it also helps with with cooling also a bit.  Chances for it get damaged are quite remote, and it is always better to keep the higher voltage stuff away from the lower voltage stuff.

BTW, reducing the endpoints on the rudder channel only reduces the piro rate (and tames the response of the rudder input), it should not have impact on any wag by itself (unless the wag is induced by your shaky fingers :)

I also got a 250, yet to be built ! :)
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