Build and review: The Align Trex 500 ESP - Part 3

Started by anwar, April 04, 2009, 03:55:34 PM

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As the rain and winds kept away this morning, got the opportunity to test fly the Trex 500 ESP in the field today.

Everything was great, the cyclic and pitch response was very good. The only complaint is the low 3D flight times, which was expected.  Time to get some 6s lipos, instead of using two 3s ones in series.

The first couple of batteries were spent on getting the tail settings right.  For gyros that support heading hold mode (also known as AVCS or tail-lock mode), the initial flights need to be done in normal or rate (non-heading hold mode).  See if the tail drifts in any direction, and adjust the length of the tail linkage rod to counter the drift.  Once the tail does not drift any more even when you do hard stops, we can enable heading-hold mode again.  To test this, we typically climb high, descent fast with a lot of negative pitch,  stop quickly with a lot of positive pitch, and the tail should still not kick out in any direction.  Unless this is done, the tail setup should be considered incomplete, and 3D flying should be avoided.

A photo and a video is attached.  Unfortunately the video one is without zoom, so it is kind of hard to see the smaller size heli (unless you watch in full screen mode).

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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dear mr.anwar where can i get the 2 helis u have demonstrated and how much would it cost.


I believe you can get them from , not sure about prices.  I ordered online from Hong Kong / Taiwan to Qatar, so my price points would be of no use in the Indian context (customs duty etc).

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.