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HK 450 MT build Thread.

Started by vinay, January 23, 2010, 01:22:59 PM

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Here are the videos:

1)First take off, as I said earlier, the gyro had problems getting into HH mode and the heli was drifting.

2)Flying in HH mode.

3)Godforsaken thing happens. Its my fault that I came down fast and I trusted the HeliDirect training gear, which breaks and the Heli goes Kaput.  >:D

Well there are many other videos which are taken before the crash, But I chose the good ones. ;D

Hope its not bad for a guy who is flying an RC toy for the first time ;)


And I thank everyone over this forum who made this possible.


Hey great flying vinay  {:)}. I can see how seriouslly you have taken this hobby.  :salute:

I happened to visit Vinay house yesterday. And I felt as though I was in a hobby shop than house :giggle:.  I will not be surprised if Vinay sets up a hobby shop  ;D
We fly heli not because it is easy, it is difficult!


Thats what happens if you give a credit card to a monkey's hand. ;D


Lol. Several years back, i read somewhere that if you want to know someone is a true aeromodeller, you would find something related to RC in everyplace in the house.

Vinay, great you posted the vids. I will see them a bit later when i get a good net connection.


I wanted ask something.
I wanted to order a HK heli as well, and was debating between the 450MT and 450GT.
Now though GT is a newer more expensive version, there are no parts yet for it.
I wanted to ask you , if all part for thr 450MT are on site ?
When i browse for 450 heli parts i do not clearly see which ones are for T and which ones for the cheaper HK-450 version. But since you have the heli you can see and confirm if all parts for the MT are up on site.

Let me know please.
Thanks !


The difference between the cheap/plain 450 and the MT is that a bunch of parts are metal in the MT version.  So those parts are very unlikely to break in the event of a crash.  The rest of the parts are similar between the two. 

Now even if you broke one of the metal parts, and HC does not carry it, you can get a compatible part from CopterX (, Align (various sources) and others.  So parts are never issue for these, and that is a significant advantage with one of these Align clones.

There are significant advantages with the GT version though (which is a clone of the Align "Pro" version). Unless you break the frame or the landing skid, most other parts are compatible with the other versions. 
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Amazing how fast the 450GT is selling out. In the evening they had around 376 of them and its not 358 ! I guess i will go with the 450GT with belt...
Will order in a couple of days or if i see the stock going below 100.
Then, you can expect to see another build thread.
Reason, i am going to get this is, that I am not ready for the Raptor 50 yet, unless i am very confident with flying, and having another electric heli in my hangar will be like a backup, and help me with continuing flying while i wait for parts on the other...


Quote from: gauravag on February 10, 2010, 09:04:53 PM
Amazing how fast the 450GT is selling out. In the evening they had around 376 of them and its not 358 ! I guess i will go with the 450GT with belt...
Will order in a couple of days or if i see the stock going below 100.
Then, you can expect to see another build thread.
Reason, i am going to get this is, that I am not ready for the Raptor 50 yet, unless i am very confident with flying, and having another electric heli in my hangar will be like a backup, and help me with continuing flying while i wait for parts on the other...

Exactly the same idea here, But I am not ordering the GT but already ordered the cheap 27$ wala, reason being, I dont want to get hurt If the Heli Crashes. >:D

Another reason is that I dont want to be tooo very carefull while flying, and flying a cheap heli will give me that confidence to fly confidently, costlier the Heli, more my hands will shiver ;D

Once I am confident that I can Hover up side down, then is the time for the pro for me. :D


Heli Gurus, Please help,

Practicing on the G4.5, I am getting used to fly only 3D helis, i.e, -10 0 +10 pitch. with V shaped Throttle curves. Initially these were though to fly, but now I am used to these with occasional crashes.

What I am really worried is that, If i try to select a Heli with -2 0 +10 Pitch curves with 0 50 100 Throttle curve, I am not able to fly them at all, I just keep crashing. My fingers' muscle memory have already adjusted to such a way that without the 3D Helis Curves, I cant fly easily at all. But in 3D mode I can fly easily.

So what do I do?
1 Continue practicing on these 3D curves itself?
2 Come back to normal hovering curves, get used to it and again go back to 3D curves and get used to it (double work)?

Here is a video of me flying in 3D mode. You have to watch it with monitor brightness increased and in full screen to be able to see something. ;D



Let us say you learn to drive cars.  And you practiced on a car that belongs to the driving school.  You are comfortable in it, you can handle it easily and with grace.  Now you got your license, and have got a car of your own, which is fairly different when it comes on handling.  What do you do ?  You get in, start driving around with a bit of struggle, and after the first few kilometers, you are just as comfortable in it as the driving school car.

Then one day, your friend, who has a Mahindra jeep (open one, with no canopy, to show off to the "members of opposition" ;) ), asks you to drive it on a trip. It has a completely different way of where the reverse gear is, where the first gear stick position is and so on. The steering is a pain to turn compared to the powered ones on your car.  Again, what do you do ? You drive around with some struggle for a few kilometers, and then it is natural to you.

Morale of the story.... your mind should be clear that they are all the same, and you have basic knowledge and skills to handle them regardless of their differences.

I have to repeat this story time and again to beginners who complain that the real heli/plane does not feel anything like what they are in the sim :)  And I was in the same boat a while ago ;)

You just need to "learn to adapt", that skill is what makes all the difference.  Obviously, like in the car example, you start of slow on any new piece of equipment, so that you can get a "feel" for the differences.
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Agree. Its all about training the brain. All that is needed is some patience.
Learning a piano ( or any instrument is similar ) . You learn one, then the second one is though looks tough initially becomes very easy after a while.
Vinay, i am not the the level to try idle-ups yet, but someday i will definitely catch up !


Vinay, for that plastic 450 what spares did you order ? Are they on HK website ? I saw through the list, but not sure if the part listing there is for Version 1 or 2 ..


AFAIK all the spares remain same except the inside-head items like feathering shaft, washers etc. So I have all the spares I can use that I had ordered for the MT version. I will order the feathering shaft + (whatever remaining for V2 extra) in the next shipment. You can also order 4mm feathering shaft from EBAY etc.


The difference between V1 and V2 are sort of minimal (I listed them else where). 

In Align land, there was a Trex 450"S" first. It had shorter tail booms as compared to the "SE" (both v1 and v2) versions.  So one thing we used to run into earlier on was that by mistake we would order the tail boom or belts for the V1 and V2, but ordered the "S" version ones (smaller).  The "S" version is pretty much dead now, and all the clone ones are pretty much the "SE" models (V1, V2, V3 and Pro). 
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WE want to know the diff b/w the HK models not align >:D ;) ;D


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


 :) Yeah, BTW does the V1 use a 4mm shaft and V2 a 5mm one ? Some forums say one side, and the others say opposite.

The other spares like the tail boom, main shaft, gear, control levers etc would be the same in your opinion ? As i said I needed to order this for someone, and would also order spares, but not sure if the V2 ones are there on site, or if i am supposed to order just what is there under the HK 450 part list ( except metal ones )


Quote from: anwar on February 19, 2010, 10:24:33 PM
HK follows Align !

I know that, but dont know what else is inside a head apart from the feathering shaft. :headscratch:

BTW gaurav, did you level the swash plate after a crash and properly set the pitch of the blade. I noted that for my heli after the crash I had to make some changes to the ball link lenght to make sure that the Pitch on both the blades were 0 degress at the same time when the stick was at the center(of course I trimmed the cyclic pitch to get 0 degrees at the center stick) But what Iam saying is when 1 blade is at 0 degree other one also should be at pakka 0 degree.


Yes I did check the levelling. No modification to lengths was needed.

One thing in respect to blade tracking, when in a hover i see 2 discs, the flybar one is clear. but the main blade one is fuzzy. Its just one disc, but appears as a thicker disc compared to the flybar. Does this indicate that the blades are out of track ?


Quote from: gauravag on February 19, 2010, 10:26:34 PM
:) Yeah, BTW does the V1 use a 4mm shaft and V2 a 5mm one ? Some forums say one side, and the others say opposite.

Anyways, the V2 feathering shaft has the larger dia.
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Quote from: vinay on February 19, 2010, 10:31:32 PM
I know that, but dont know what else is inside a head apart from the feathering shaft. :headscratch:

Feathering shaft, rubber O-rings (dampers), and grease :) 

Then inside the main blade grip themselves, the V1 has just some washers and a nut that goes into the feathering shaft, in V2 there are thrust bearings too.
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Quote from: gauravag on February 19, 2010, 10:37:25 PM
One thing in respect to blade tracking, when in a hover i see 2 discs, the flybar one is clear. but the main blade one is fuzzy. Its just one disc, but appears as a thicker disc compared to the flybar. Does this indicate that the blades are out of track ?

Unless you see TWO DISTINCT discs, you are fine in terms of "blade tracking".
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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I am still confused how tight to keep the tail belt. If I hold the main rotor head constant and turn the tail rotor, then the the belt slips after applying little force. would this be ok? :headscratch:


Hmm I read through a lot of forums/articles about this.
From what i understood, you should be able to pinch the two sides of the belt and get them to touch in the middle.
If you cannot ( or need too much force) then loosen up a bit. Thats what I did and it worked !
Not sure if slipping-tight is ok though, Anwar would comment on that.

When are you getting it back in the air ?