RC India

RC Models => Helis => Topic started by: rccrazydoc on September 26, 2010, 07:10:16 PM

Title: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rccrazydoc on September 26, 2010, 07:10:16 PM
hellyflyer -

this is my first post...am a rc heli beginner....and i own a co-ax 3ch heli and recently got the 6ch honeybee cp3...and tried flying it without proper training gear and training and crashed it....waiting for repair parts now....wanted to know how difficult is it to learn to fly these helis and how much practice did it take for you to fly one of these...

[Admin Note] Split from http://www.rcindia.org/rc-people/post-your-hangar/msg11159/#msg11159 as this is a topic on its own
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: anwar on September 26, 2010, 07:32:28 PM
Just spend some time on a good sim, making sure you have hover the heli, and fly it around, and land it very very gradually at a specific spot. You can manage on your own after that. 

Trying to fly a 6ch heli without any prior experience will most likely result in a significant dent on  your pocket !
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: sujju on September 26, 2010, 09:23:52 PM
Quote from: anwar on September 26, 2010, 07:32:28 PM
Just spend some time on a good sim, making sure you have hover the heli, and fly it around, and land it very very gradually at a specific spot. You can manage on your own after that. 

Trying to fly a 6ch heli without any prior experience will most likely result in a significant dent on  your pocket !

would second it anytime.. especially with the dent in the pockets... :-)
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: raja_mastana on September 26, 2010, 09:52:24 PM
Well, it takes a lot of practice + knowledge of setting up the heli.

Small Tip:
-After you put in the battery, lift the heli from the main rotor cap & make sure the skids are parallel to the ground. If not, adjust the battery position.
-Don't over-tighten the main blades - you should be able to move it by hand

Try to figure out why/how you crashed - let us also know

EDIT - BTW, I learnt to hover on a Honeybee v2 (4ch FP). After this, i was able to hover a Belt CP with ease.
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rccrazydoc on October 25, 2010, 09:31:39 PM
hi everyone sorry for the late post... thanks a lot for ur replies! this a great forum i must say :salute:
iv been practicing on the realflight for quite sometime now...and my hovering has been pretty good..and have been flying around a bit too on the sim ..still waiting for my honeybee parts :banghead:...will keep you guys updated on my first hover!..
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: Nehutech on October 25, 2010, 10:49:19 PM
hello to all members

any good and free simulator for learning 6ch heli ;) ;)

Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: anwar on October 26, 2010, 12:23:13 AM
OT and if I may ask... are you a medical doc, or a PhD doc ? :)
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rccrazydoc on October 26, 2010, 12:26:02 AM
hi anwar...am a med doc 8)...doing my post grad in general surgery :) and just love these rc choppers... ;)
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rccrazydoc on October 26, 2010, 12:35:08 AM
hey you can try searching on torrentz but its difficult to get them to work as they designed to work with a specific usb connector..
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: anwar on October 26, 2010, 12:41:00 AM
Quote from: Nehutech on October 25, 2010, 10:49:19 PM
any good and free simulator for learning 6ch heli ;) ;)

First question... what radio do you have ? 
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: Hellyflyer on October 26, 2010, 02:07:48 AM
I don't know How I missed this post  :banghead:

Well I guess you got perfect directions from our Senior members like Sujju and Anwar.

Practice makes a man perfect ..this principle works on every thing. So Sim is the key practice all oriantiations on the sim start with tail in hover then side ways and then nose in oriantiation (very important). If you know the oriantiations well if will reduce your chances of crash by 80% ( giving 20% to the wind gusts)


Reflex and Phoenix are good sims but if you don't find ...FMS 8.5 is also not bad to learn oriantations.

Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rccrazydoc on November 15, 2010, 09:23:44 PM
hi guys...just a small "clichéd" advise to all of you....flying a fixed pitch heli IS difficult but a good amount of practice on the sim is worth every second of your time...i practice on realflight and it is really close to the real deal! and finally fulfilled my dream of flying a trex 250 !  8)
happy flying forever
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rahulgaba on July 08, 2011, 12:22:01 AM
Free RC sims  helisim RC: http://www.marksfiles.net/HeliSim/ good enough to start

FMS is BAD.. dont even try.

If you have a mac... here is one.. THE BEST : HELI-X... its awesome with the features it has. Beautiful! .. its not exactly free.. but there is demo u can play with. But for a mac user... except for installing a parallels (40dollars. about 2000rs) plus the cheapest sim is clearview sim .. (40 bucks again.. rs2000) , u can get this heli-x for ($80 i think) and its hassle free and much better.

Apart from that.. I second whats said above. SIM SIM SIM SIM!! you need it! do anything on your heli only if you have done it on your sim atleast 20 times.. literally without crashing. Will save u a lot of money! :)

Or get like a Blade MSR to start in heli's.. that little heli looks small.. But is a beast. I have done 40kmph passes on that thing.. its awesome!
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: Hellyflyer on July 25, 2012, 09:25:09 PM
Why not go for the simulator dongle for Rs750/- from RCbazaar and enjoy all popular sims  ;D
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: gunnu on July 28, 2014, 01:43:02 PM
can i put 250 series heli servos in 450 series heli??
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: dhruvafreak on July 28, 2014, 09:57:29 PM
Yeah technically you can . Both runs on 9G servo
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: gunnu on July 28, 2014, 10:24:52 PM
thanx sir
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: avesh on July 28, 2014, 10:56:19 PM
Think hard before you decide which helicopter to buy. If your heli doesn't come with a simulator, get one. FMS is free to download. To learn to fly a heli you need, patience - practice. If you want it hard enough, you will get there.

There is nothing more graceful than flying collective pitch RC helicopter with a shinny scale fuselage. At the end, the most important thing is you are having fun whether that means flying tame or insane, collective pitch allows you to do both equally well.  The more time you spend on your tx, the better you get. They are fairly easy to fly but hard to master.......
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: rcrcnitesh on July 29, 2014, 08:29:07 AM
download heli sim it's free
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: essaargee on July 29, 2014, 08:23:01 PM
The first post in this was on Sept 26, 2010  :help: :help: ; ran up to 15th Nov 2010  {:)} {:)} . Next, one on 8th July 2011 (post 12), then 1 on 25th july 2012. No more in 2012.
In the last 2 -3 days (July 2014) posts 14,15 and 16 - related to servo usage.
Next two posts 17 n 18), answering the first - three year old - query   :o :giggle: !! Please watch the date lines before responding. The first person who asked the first qn, rccrazydoc, might have become an expert by now :giggle: (if he is still practicing, that is  :P ) !! Just for fun....
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: devangflyer on July 30, 2014, 05:54:18 PM
Haha .
Title: Aeromodelling
Post by: rcplanes on May 23, 2016, 10:57:26 AM
It needs more practice for heli flying....

Aeromodelling (http://www.rcbazaar.com/)
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: Pundinas on May 26, 2020, 02:31:18 PM
Hovering takes a few hours to learn for most people. The controls are very sensitive and any input on one of the three controls requires inputs on the other two. The helicopter likes to move around so getting it to stay still at a hover a few feet above the ground, is quite challenging.
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: K K Iyer on May 26, 2020, 03:02:58 PM

See this earlier post (#19) in this thread...

Quote from: essaargee on July 29, 2014, 08:23:01 PM
The first post in this was on Sept 26, 2010  :help: :help: ; ran up to 15th Nov 2010  {:)} {:)} .
Next, one on 8th July 2011 (post 12), then 1 on 25th july 2012. No more in 2012.
In the last 2 -3 days (July 2014) posts 14,15 and 16 - related to servo usage.
Next two posts 17 n 18), answering the first - three year old - query   :o :giggle: !!
Please watch the date lines before responding.
The first person who asked the first qn, rccrazydoc, might have become an expert by now :giggle: (if he is still practicing, that is  :P ) !! Just for fun....
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: Pundinas on May 26, 2020, 05:18:33 PM
Actually, helicopters aren't that difficult to fly. Almost anyone who has enough coordination to drive a car can probably learn to fly a helicopter. It does take time and practice, and some maneuvers, such as hovering a helicopter, feel as though they are impossible in the beginning.
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: Pundinas on May 26, 2020, 09:21:58 PM
No mention you're beginner my brother. Just believe in your self and try more practice you'll improve soon. Best of luck
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: arul.rajesh on March 07, 2022, 10:09:27 PM
How similar is it as far as controls are concerned to flying a quad?
Title: Re: How difficult is heli flying
Post by: pnkyjs on March 13, 2022, 10:37:39 AM
flying a quad is a piece of cake. If you compare , flying a quad is super easy because the FC takes control of everything . In a heli you need to control all axis at the same time, so its pretty much a great exhilarating activity. You need full concentration and full left and right hand movements for smooth flying.