Huge Heli prototype Armed and Blazing!!!

Started by RCNeil21, October 15, 2013, 08:04:50 PM

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The Auto Assault shotgun(AA-12) is a formidable weapon containing loads of firepower and a variety of purpose built rounds. Taking the idea of a shotgun and making into a fully automatic weapon was thought to be a gun of the future, well now it is reality and i am posting this quite late, much later than when the gun was originally conceived. Just got to know about it today when watching an episode of futureweapons ;D. Why speak about guns on an RC forum you ask?

The developers of the gun have gone ahead and mobilized this weapon with a remote turret system known as the AA-12 Hammer and mounted it on a huge gas-powered helicopter which is remote-controlled, armed/weaponized semi-autonomous/fully-autonomous unmanned mini-helicopter called the AutoCopter Gunship. :o Now thats something our army would love to have. >:D

The AutoCopter Gunship is the first prototype of the weaponized helicopter containing a Hammer Module with only 1 AA-12 mounted on the front. The original auto copter seems like a 700/800 class helicopter.

Here is a link to the complete capabilities and description of the first prototype:

Second newer prototype:

I have some footage from futureweapons and some that was on you tube. Will post both of them here.

The video that i got:

Heres the Video of the first prototype i found on you tube:

Please post your thoughts about this. :)
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


Quote from: RCNeil21 on October 15, 2013, 08:04:50 PM

Please post your thoughts about this. :)

My thoughts awesome

Same pinch by the way just guess why
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Quote from: rcrcnitesh on October 16, 2013, 10:23:51 AM
My thoughts awesome
Same pinch by the way just guess why

Same pinch? dint get you nitesh. Putting in so much of our money into the defense sector and our army still doesnt have the gizmos owned by other armies. Way behind them.
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.