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Learning to pirouette

Started by gauravag, March 19, 2010, 06:27:40 PM

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Ok, Since now i am more or less confident in hovering in all orientations, i want to try and practise/learn pirouettes.
Any useful tricks/tips and guidelines ? I can seem to do them ( slow at atound 1 revolution in 5 seconds or more ) but he heli is not constant in one place. Is it just a lot of practise i need to do ?

Any help would be much appreciated.


You are doing them too slow :) Five seconds is a long time for a pirouette, and the heli would drift away (unless you purposefully deal with that too).  Try doing them faster, like in under 2 seconds.

If you want to do them real slow, you have to compensate for such un-commanded movements yourself.
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yup even 2-3 seconds seem an eternity when learning pirouettes and there is a considerable drift....5 sec Pir's will need a fair amount of corrective input to keep it in the box!!


Agree doing fast pirouettes are initially easy where you yank the rudder and release when you think the heli is drifitng too much.  Doing it slow needs a lot of concentration and hand-eye coordination. I am practicing doing slow piros in both direction. So far being able to do in 5-8 seconds and keeping the heli in the same place. Sometimes i do get a little dis-oriented but overall is a lot of fun !


I'm impressed by your learning regime. Most people would be tempted to attempt spectacular stuff before getting the basics right. Doing anything slow exposes your short comings. Even just simple forward flight becomes much harder to keep it in a straight line when you do it slow.


I tried this, This is really difficult. I could do a 180 degree turn in 6 seconds, but heli was drifting in meters.  :o Couldnt do a complete 360 as I still dont know nose left hovering. I will do FFF after I learn this.


Indeed slow piro is tough, but then thats what makes it challenging ( and fun ) .
I am not very good at it yet, but working at it.