problem with my fly dragonfly 2006 rc heli

Started by flyinghawk, May 10, 2010, 07:30:57 AM

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hi everybody my fly dragonfly 2006 RC helicopter's body rotates along with the blade.can somebody help me ???


There seems to be no such model (based on quick Google searches).  Can you please reconfirm the model number ?
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it is also known dragon fly syma helicopter (ep caliber 2006 ) :help:


Is it the Syma 9093 ?  Basically the "2006" part is confusing.

If it is the Syma 9093, I wish you had not bought one.  Tons of issues with these models, with people trying to put weight on it to make it somewhere close to being stable (at the expense of less flying time).  There is said to be a pot on the board which you can turn to adjust the tail compensation, but a manual could not be found :(

Basically, they are unstable, and you have to control the rotation using the yaw control stick.  Look at any video on Youtube for these models, and you will see them rotate on their tail.   People are able to fly them around, but never steady like the 3 ch or above models.

If it "spins" (as opposed to "slower rotations") on its tail, then tuning the pot can help. Also make sure you use a fully charged battery, otherwise there will not be enough thrust to provide tail control.
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Here is a picture of the pot that you can try adjusting (very little at time, like 3 to 5 degrees at a time).
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i adjusted the potentiometer already but still the body slightly rotates.i will send u a video today evening


The slightly rotates part is what I was mentioning above.  These models seem to do that anyways, judging from videos posted online. Good stick control, adding weight towards the nose, shortening the tail boom length and having a fairly large open field all seems to be the various ways how people are dealing with it.
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hi anwar ,
            can i turn tail rotor in upward direction as marked with red color in the picture.


That would change the flight stabilization characteristics of the tail rotor.  I have seen some really small models where the tail rotor is pointing upwards, but have not given any serious thought to how they do their job.  Typically the tail rotor has to be in a vertical position (sideways) to that it can counteract the yaw caused by the main rotor. 

As this heli is designed to have a tail rotor pushing air sideways, I feel that that changing it to an upwards position will further reduce stability of the heli.

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can u send me any video regarding the stick control,how to shorten the tail boom length of my RC helicopter  :salute:  :salute:  :salute:


Quote from: anwar on May 11, 2010, 10:15:48 AM
I have seen some really small models where the tail rotor is pointing upwards, but have not given any serious thought to how they do their job.  

This is usually on twin-rotor helicopters, where the two rotors counter eachother's yaw movement. the tail rotor is upwards to move the heli forward or reverse.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on May 11, 2010, 03:10:18 PM
This is usually on twin-rotor helicopters, where the two rotors counter eachother's yaw movement. the tail rotor is upwards to move the heli forward or reverse.

Right. That reminds me that the Model-Art one is an example of this. 

I do seem to vaguely remember a single rotor one like this, with a larger than usual plastic flybar (or stabilizer bar).
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Quote from: flyinghawk on May 11, 2010, 03:04:42 PM
can u send me any video regarding the stick control,how to shorten the tail boom length of my RC helicopter

Can you post a video of what you are facing with, before taking drastic steps ?  If the yaw is not that bad (in other words, considered "normal" for these), then all you may need is a bit more practice and a grassy field :)
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anwar  please stay a while before i send you the video :headscratch:


anwar i cant post the video can you tell me how to post it


Please upload to Youtube and post a link here.  Or if it is a small file, you can try emailing it to the address on the green footer on the bottom left of any page here.
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     anwar and saurab i have uploaded a video on
and the URL is:



it seems your gyro is not working. also i think it will be very hard to fix on this machine


In the video, I see that the heli spins in the opposite direction after the first few seconds.  If you managed to do that using the stick control, then that sort of tells us that you may be able to handle this by VERY GRADUAL adjustment of the pot of the controller. But you have to do it very slow, like 3 degrees at a time.  Do not rush this, take your time and do it slow.
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That would need replacing the controller board, not worth on this heli.  The gyro may not be bad.  Like I said before, see if you can get it to spin a lot slower by making very minor adjustments to the pot, and then try to fly it in an open grassy area trying to counteract spins using stick input.
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I echo Anwar's comments

The Helly is only good for up and down it has no directional control what so ever, Try adding some weight on the nose (inside the canopy) to give it a default forward flight it will reduce the spin too

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


I have this same helicopter..Can i convert it to a 3channel or 4 channel helicopter with gyro...?


i dont know whether it is syama or what ,  its a chinese made heli the most you can do is to check whether the tail motor is healthy or not , i also had this heli , but now i am using its electronics only , if you have any problem with electronics only, i can help you .