Robird G31 and Turnigy 9xr programming issues

Started by F22A, March 23, 2013, 01:52:44 PM

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Hello ,

So I am here , posting after a while . My exams are just about to end and I can go ahead with my tarot 450 pro fbl build . All the stuff has arrived . I have some questions regarding the tx programming :

I would request the help of forum members having experience with the ROBIRD G31 . I did check CPO Helis youtube videos and did not find these answers . Again , I could not use other info as the robird software specifically asks to set transmitter settings and it is not like a normal 6ch heli set up . Please help me if you have the knowledge as this is my first build . Thanks In advance

So here are my problems :

1 ) My transmitter has all trims etc turned off , all curves at -100 -50 0 50 100 ( linear I guess ) .... The swash is set to 90 with no collective or any mixes . . . . Now start my problems

My channels are 1 throttle
2 Aileron
3 Elevator
4 Rudder
5 Gear ( I hope it should be gear )
6 ( I dont know what to put here)

and if I flip the gear switch , then on the robird setup guide screen I see the blue meter toggle between FULL AVCS and full RUDGainRate ... So am I ok there ?

Btw my transmitter has no gyro switch or anything . And on flicking the gear switch I can see the robird unit switch between a red light and a blue light . I have no idea what they mean . Also I did not find any gyro setting page in my transmitter menus . Turnigy 9xr .

Please help me with the channels .

Question 2 :

How do i set idle 1 , idle 2 settings ? Do I set them in the transmitter or set them in the robird ?

And in my transmitter my throttle curve is linear . So that means at low position throttle 0 ..
But my pitch is also linear and have set it as such that at the robird software I see 0 pitch at mid throttle ... Full pitch at full position and full negative pitch at low throttle position

Now , I am running PWM mode with a normal receiver . My ESC throttle cable goes into the receiver channel 1 directly and not into the robird . As a result I see no input on the ROBIRD software in the MOTOR:low , high bar . . . But In some videos  I saw that the motor and pitch moves together in the Setup guide screen. Have you connected your esc to the robird ?

Again I am lost on what to do .  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


ok i got it ...firstly 0 25 50 75 100 is linear not as what you have shown ...secondly ur channel5 has to be you gyro gain where u attach the single wire from the gyro ...there is a sevo wire which splits into 3 that part where all 3 wires are connected by one servo plug goes into the aux pitch gain of gyro and only the white and red wire are used the white wire is you gyro gain channel 5 and red is pitch channel 6 tht is your third swash plate servo usually the right one when viewed from the back ....yes there is no gyro switch on your transmitter the gear switch is your gyro switch .....idle0 idel 1 idel 2 has to be set in your transmitter if you are not using governor on esc ....idel 0 is usually 0 25 50 the last two % need to be set as to what rpm u desire by using rpm calculator so say if u normally want to fly at 2600rpm and after using calculator you get it at 65% throttle then idel zero is 0 25 50 65 65  (search on goole for head speed calculator  ;D) idel 1 is usally the frst set of rpm u desire for 3d if say u want 3000 rpm n using the calculator u get it at 75% throttle then u should set 85 80 75 80 85 it increases at the end so as to compensate for rpm loss due to high pitch n if u want idel 2 at 3300 rpm and using the calculator u get it at 90% throttle then set it at 100 95 90 95 100 !! i hope most of it is solved setting it up is easy watch sky hobby videos
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply .

As of now , I am pretty sure all my physical connections are spot on . I am only confused about the programmig

So instead of having -100 -50 0 50 100 , I should set it as 0 0 50 100 ( throttle curve ) ?

And since the white wire going into channel 5 is the gyro gain , , Which option should I select for channel 5 in my 9xr ? Should I keet it on GEAR  or have to search for gyro ? ( which i havent found )

Also, How will I be able to set the gyro gain and alter it later ? ( because flicking the gear switch gives me two extreme readings on the software , extreme right indicating full avcs and extreme left indicating rudder gain )

As for channel 6 , How should I configure it ? I mean what option do I put next to it . Assign it any switches etc ?  Btw , my 9xr has template for 6ch heli . Can I just use the template and change the swash type ? Save me the programming hassle :p btw  I thought the 3rd servo or the so called center servo was for the elevator


Sorry I got confused about the cyclic servo . According to what you wrote . i guess its the righ side servo which goes into servo right on the robird .

Btw , I have set swash 90 , no mixing , collective channel none . . . Should I put channel 6 there ? I will be posti.g some pics . I am so lost . Sky hobbt videos were not helpful for me as far as tx programming is concerned . And this is my first build so I am very new to all these


yup the left servo is ail ,right is pitch center  is elev....0 25 50 75 75 for normal flight last two % will vary as i said according to rpm ....and also u have o look for gyro gain in your tx thats the only way u can chnge gain value
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


So I have put up some screenshots of my tx . Please correct me if I have gone wrong anywhere . Pics 1 and 2 are the setup page ( please check if anything is wrong or anything not set)

PIC 3 : Heli Setup .... Should I set anything to the swash ring or leave it blank ?

Pic 4 : Have set everything at 100% as asked by robird manual


Pic 5 : The Channel 6 mix menu . Please check the values . And do I need to assign any physical switch for channel 6 ?

Pic 6 : Is my channel mapping correct ? As you can see , In channel 5 I did not find Gyro so I have kept it at full and the switch is set to gear . This is to toggle between the two gyro modes . Instead of FuLL , I can assign a knob . Then I may be able to change the values by turning the knob . Will this method be fruitful ?

pic 7 : My new throttle curve . I hope its ok. I will set it to 75 on the highest position . Now its showing 100 there

pic 8 : What type of curves are needed for the other channels ????


pic 9 : The Channel 5 mix menu . Please suggest changes to be made if any  ,

Btw I found this interesting doc

And thanks in advance :)


ok the tx is getting confusing i dont own this so i guess someone with this tx can help u out .............sorry
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


I was really hoping the 9xr firmware would be similar to your 9x . Anyways thanks for all your help and I hope someone with a 9xr and a robird comes to my rescue :help:


Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


no the things is heli setup is same its just that the radio is confusing and i dont own one and also never used one ..or i could have helped you if i had the radio in my hand to check everything out
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-