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Started by second_chance, April 27, 2010, 11:29:38 PM

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some more pics setting up the governor......


sensor installed above the fan shroud.....


the chimney - hatori 546


What packing (like gasket) did you use between the engine and the muffler ?
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the usual silicone rtv. have been using the same from day one.


also used a little bit on the pressure feed hole before bolting the screw on as there would be no fuel tubing going to the muffler.


Do they ship the Align "towel" in all kits now, or did you get it separately :giggle: 
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i got this free with some purchases i made in a LHS when i was in london. i don't think the kits come with it.

but if they do ship one with a kit then let me know, it will be an excuse to buy another towel  ;D


Quote from: second_chance on April 30, 2010, 01:38:26 PM
some more pics setting up the governor......

It is better to use "overspeed limiter" "mode in normal mode and keep it to some high value like (1900 or 2000), so that you can understand the true behavior of the engine in normal mode.  If you enforce the speed limit using the full governor mode, you may not understand the behavior of the engine at higher rpms.  Also, if you keep the engine in fully governed mode for normal flying, there will be a jump in the throttle when the governor engages and disengages around 30% throttle (this is what I remember experiencing, but that was about 2 years ago).

Also, can you post some pictures of the sensor mount after removing the rudder linkage ? It is blocking the view.
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Quote from: second_chance on April 30, 2010, 02:00:56 PM
but if they do ship one with a kit then let me know, it will be an excuse to buy another towel  ;D

Yep, the newer kits do come with it : (look under "Accessories", it is listed as "Repair Towel")

You just shot yourself on the foot :giggle:  Let us know when you order another kit ;)
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my settings at present are

normal - wont engage
idle 1 - 1900
idle 2 - 2000

do you reccommend any changes or would it suffice.

i have used a ziptie with a drop of ca to secure it to the frame and its holding in place. will post new pics tonight of the sensor mount with out the tail linkage.


well thats for a 700 !    i am still on the 600 series. 


Quote from: second_chance on April 30, 2010, 02:13:10 PM
well thats for a 700 !    i am still on the 600 series. 

Excuses  ;D :giggle:
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the difference between the 600 and the 700 is just the "towel"  ;D :P :P


anwar, i would like you to have a look at this link by bob finless


Quote from: second_chance on April 30, 2010, 02:11:47 PM
my settings at present are

normal - wont engage
idle 1 - 1900
idle 2 - 2000

do you reccommend any changes or would it suffice.

i have used a ziptie with a drop of ca to secure it to the frame and its holding in place. will post new pics tonight of the sensor mount with out the tail linkage.

This is good.  I was commenting based on the screenshot.  I also have governor disengaged in normal mode.  Should you choose to use the governor in normal mode, the "overspeed limiter" mode would be better.

The debate between "fully governed" versus "overspeed limiting" (for idel1 and idle2) is a matter of personal preference, from what I have seen/tested.  On the Multigov, I run fully governed on idle1 and idl2 (currently 2000 and 2100), and have no governor at all on ide3 where I have a 3d throttle curve just in case the governor fails (magnets fall off etc, or for engine testing).

Always put a backup throttle curve even in idle1 and idle2 (and don't make it 100-100-100; something like 100-65-100, or 100-70-100) to help you handle governor failures. It seems like the Multigov also uses this backup curve in its adjustment calculations.

About the zip tie alone, I would be worried about the zip tie rubbing against sharp frame sides and snapping later on.  Other than that, if it holds the sensor in place, you are good.  I always used the spare screws and plastic nuts used for mounting servos.
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yes i have the backups at 100 - 65 - 100 and have thr curv set thru all modes incase of faliure. i wonder why align went the other way around (mount) for the sensor setup   :headscratch:


the shots were taken why i had just turned on the gov menu. i dialed in the settings later, pardon me for the misleading pic.


as asked for earlier, here are the pics of the sensor with out the tail linkage.........


oke, sorry for being a little off topic, but here are the pics of my simple plumbing, 2 in 1 switch  placement and fuel tubing application to avoid fraying of the wires


lavneet, i dont think this is a 401 you are running on.. ? i think you are using the gy520...(a very good gyro )



hi lavneet

thanks for the pics, though the switch section seems a little close to the engine, i will try placing it the same way on mine and let you know.

thats a good idea for the wires. fortunately i am not running wires for the electronics from the outside apart from the governor for which i have provided a similar contraption on the front side of the frame.


yup, you're right Chand, it is a bit close to the engine but the plastic from the fan housing forms a kind of buffer. Also, the heat from the engine does not seem to reach the box. I had pondered over the idea of placing it on the frame across the engine but  I just thought this looked really neat. Also, since the base where I have put it is really narrow, remember to use velcro AND a tie to secure it nicely.