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Upgrading a simple 3.5ch heli

Started by PankajC, September 13, 2010, 03:07:34 PM

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I wanted to know what is needed for a heli setup and whether or not my current Tx would suffice; whether it is possible to buy the 3.5 ch starter level birds and replace the Tx/Rx, battery etc. So I looked up at the RC India Gems but could not locate anything, so I tried search options, but maybe my search was incorrect.

Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Guess we need to know what equipment (TX, RX, what frequency etc) you currently have to answer that. 

Many (probably most) 3.5channel helis do not work with other TXes, because a large number of them are Infrared based, others are on odd frequencies like 27Mhz.  The notable exceptions that I have come across are the Esky Lama ones (they are 4ch BTW), they work fine on 72Mhz radios as long as you are on the right channel.  My brother does that all the time.
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hmm.... I have a spektrum Dx6i that has throttle on the left, but the manual says, that it can do heli as well.

but the main issue is what are the basics to get into helis? In a plane, the checklist is fairly simple -
get a plane ARF/KIT
get a Tx/Rx
Get Power system (for electric it would mean Lipo + Esc + motor)
get suitable prop
get servos for controls
and so on...

but what about helis? I came across a term like Gyro, so maybe it is required and what else? how and where does one start? what is the entry load (in terms of finances) etc....

Questions galore, so now what?


Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Hi Pankaj,

Yes The Dx6i is very much capable of handling Heli's.

More or less the check list for Heli is the same

Get a Heli ARF kit
Get a Tx/Rx
Get a power system (Lipo, Esc and Motor)
Gyro  (tail stablizer)
Get servo's for controls (so 3 normal servo's can be any 9gm servo's and one tail servo should be fast )

Now like in Planes all kit's and parts have a certain range and price which is similar in Heli's the more sugar you add the sweeter and stable your heli will be ;)

Go for a 4Ch RTF for beginners and work your way up.

Happy flying :salute:

Helis and Quads ROCK !!