What Kind of heli would you preffer?

Started by anam_funny, April 21, 2010, 09:49:04 AM

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Which heli would be the best? which would you preffer to buy? its just a quick survey i am conducting.


So you have planned to import and sell the most preferred Helis right? - Good Idea...


yeah... actually i am already running a shop. so just wanted to expand my items. have a look here. http://rcmall.in/anarit119/index.php


For Heli, I would suggest stock the following three types

1. Beginner - Coaxial Heli -  4CH  - Budget 4-6K
2. Intermediate - 3D heli  - 6CH  - Budget 10-12K
3. Advanced - No need to stock them since you run a small shop for now...



HK 450 GT . Sell with Heli-motor-ESC-Servo combo. Stock 2200mah 3S batteries
Stock parts ( buy entire heli open up and sell parts - cheaper this way )


A 450GT with ESC-motor-Servos-Gyro-Batt combo should cost around Rs 8,000 ( approx ).
Much cheaper/affordable for many who want a heli of this size. Plus if you can stock/sell parts. an added bonus.


The Nine Eagles indoor one is getting quite popular, for absolute beginners.
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anything E Flite at competitive prices

Blade MSR as the next step from 3 Ch Coaxial Helis- about $165 in US
Blade SR- Entry level CP heli $200

and the spares to these as its very important to minimize the back to air time


Flasher Heli's...I have seen em and they're pretty close to align except for the prices.... http://shop.heliguru.sg is where i buy parts for my Align Trex450 Sport when i'm in singapore


Apologies for bargin in but could not resist
"The ones with a fixed wing and an engine up front on the nose" My kind of Heli :-)
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com