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Anwar from Kerala

Started by anwar, March 11, 2009, 07:22:07 PM

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Quote from: anwar on August 26, 2009, 05:28:53 PM
Subbu, Saju, RotorZone/Rajesh, Ashta.... long list of Mallus living outside Kerala who are into RC  :P

No wonder it is hard to find people who are flying regularly in Kerala now ;D  (Except may be Santhosh!)

you missed me
i live in mumbai(dombivli)
but my hometown is Thrissur(Ollur) i keep going there
but since am just an enthusiastic beginner in this world of sorts the only thing that's holding me if funds.
When i start working i think i might just start fly till then feet firmly on the ground.Never knew this stuff was active in kerala until now.
i knew of it first when i saw it during IIT-Mumbai sp4mm3r.
will be checking new tech soon..


You should be able to join Santhosh on a weekend the next time you are there :) 

Funny thing is that I see people from Kochi joining who put "Intermediate" and above as skill level, but they are silent on the forum.  Wonder if there is a whole set of "underground" fliers in Kochi !!!  :headscratch:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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Always welcome cvjoy, call me 95670 70000


Me from Pathanamthitta...Wife from Kochi...Will call Joy and fly at Kochi and end up Geo, Thoppumpady with Joy (:|~...
Baner Aeromodellers Association Pune.


Quote from: anwar on December 22, 2010, 01:09:10 PM
Wonder if there is a whole set of "underground" fliers in Kochi !!!  :headscratch:
Anwar Sir, I'm not "underground" but "on ground" with my truggy and a nitro monster truck (which I'm struggling to tune :banghead:). Since lack of flying fields nearby it was my only option. Heard that one of the colleges (Sacred Heart College, Thevara) are starting an aeromodelling club, {:)} hope it may help.


@Mohan - Thoppumpady is pretty famous ;D

@Anta - If you are serious, just search the member list for "Kochi" and "Cochin" ( with the "location" checked, and PM the people who show skill level as "Intermediate" to see if and where they are .  I think there may be locations where people are flying, probably as a group :headscratch:

I would have done it, except that I don't have confirmed plans to be there soon.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I have already checked that before, have no idea about flying activity around Cochin, in single or as a group.  :banghead: Seeking response from Kochikkar. (:|~


@ anwar @ santhosh
thank you guys
will be active from jan will start with cars though my plans for comnig to kerala squashed due to exams.  :banghead:


sir i want your contact no


Not sure if you are asking "cvjoy", but if this is directed towards me, the best way to contact is via PMs (as I stay outside India for the most part).
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


help me to find out flyer in trivandrum  sibi.s 09633000700


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi guys

can somebody provide me with Anwar Sir's Mobile No.. its on urgent basis.. It is for putting up a RC Air show at SRI LANKA..


Viraj Suryawanshi
+91 9960718580


Can you PM me the initial details (if at all I can be of any assistance) ?  I am currently out of India, so things like Skype may be better than phone calls.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


hey anwar..

this is Gaba from USA Arlington Texas , (Mumbai / India) :)

I was so happy to find this forum. Hope to be a help in RC stuff around here man! I am into Helis and planes. Hope to see you around the forum dude!
Blade MSR
Blade MCPX
Trex 450 v2 clone -- EXI450 v3
Trex 250 clone -- HK250GT
F-22 Propjet (home made)
RC-help trainer plane from
Syma 107, couple of crappy airhogs, Honeybee FP v2


Welcome to RC India :) 

I have friends and fond memories of the Carrolton/Coppell/Irving areas near you ;)  And about 5 years in Austin, TX.  Was not into RC during those years though :( It is a shame that the home field of Curtis Youngblood was only 5 miles from where I was staying, and I could not take any advantage of that :banghead:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


can u give your contact number plz plz


I live outside India for a large part of the year.  Please PM me if there is anything I can help you with.  If you must talk, Skype or something similar may be a better option.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I am looking for RC Heli Trainer in Kerala.


I am not aware of anyone doing that on a continuous (and professional) basis.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Can you train Heli lovers? Or when can you available for training?


I live outside India for the most part of the year. I am in India for 2 to 3 months a year and fly may be 3 or 4 days a year while in India.  With such a schedule, it does not make sense to undertake such a task.  Sorry about not being able to assist.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


ok, thanks.

BDW you are in Qatar right now, in SYSTALENT?


It is preferable that personal situation/details etc of members are not discussed in public... please feel free to PM.

I am not sure why the training has to be in Kerala... otherwise there are already training options posted here (Bangalore etc).
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I am really regret for that.

I have inquiry for Heli training in Kerala. That is why i seen you here ans contact you.

Do you have any contact in Bangalore, kindly mail me at .