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imu for quad

Started by abhilash_172, August 27, 2012, 01:01:16 PM

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hello friends,
how are wii sensors(mp and nunchuck) compared to sparkfun  6 dof imu?how is this crius multiwii board?
anyone who has used crius board,give some review on it


I believe it was you who had contacted me thru email. (I am Vineet)

Anyway, ofcourse the 6dof sparkfun IMU is much better, better precision gyros and Acc. CRIUS multiwii is OK, but not as good as the IMU, if you can properly hook it up to an ardu.

(WMP+NK) < CRIUS < Sparkfun IMU (my opinion)


yeah vineet,it's me only abhilash.i thought you will reply defenitely because it's related to quads.i want to know about other opinion's also


Hey fellas,
Is it possible to fly quadrotor without IMU or any individual sensors..??


I have a 6DOF IMU SPARKFUN original for sale. at 40% off. Have the bill also.

If any one needs contact me.
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