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Thunder Tiger Tomahawk BX

Started by malviya_divy, January 08, 2013, 01:53:35 PM

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 I wan't to know that THUNDER TIGER TOMAHAWK BX is a good buy. And should I buy it from rc sky hobby means is is a trusted site.
Or I should think for another BUGGY or WEBSITE (please mention).

Please help.....Thanks in advance :bow:

1firefly2 is a genuine site.

What is your budget? You may explore more options.



Hey guys,
    tomorrow i'm going to order tomahawk bx from rcskyhobby. I'm very excited. 8-)


all the best.

Make sure you order the starter kit and fuel also.

Also suggest you get 12 AA size rechargeable batteries (800 mAh minimum) also ready (charged) before hand so you do not have to wait when the car comes.

As an alternate, use "Duracell" batteries only if you do not wish to invest in rechargeable batteries immediately.
Veels on 5er
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Dealer of: Tamiya RC Products, ATV's and UTV's, Thunder Tiger
Exclusive India Distributor: JQRacing, HIGHEST RC (Servos), SWEEP Racing (Tires), IB-Prostart (Engine Heater), REDS Racing (Nitro Engines), MIP USA (Tools), MAX Oils (Silicon & Diff Oils)


Hi ,
I wan't to ask that after opening the box can we directly start and run the car or we have to do something (excluding batteries, charging glow plug and connecting remote with receiver).


You have to break in the engine...There is a special procedure - a few tanks of fuel to waste

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That's right.

For all nitro cars or new nitro engines, break-in procedure has to be done for sure.

This is exactly similar to running a new car or bike slowly until the first service.
Veels on 5er
Facebook: Veels on 5er
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Dealer of: Tamiya RC Products, ATV's and UTV's, Thunder Tiger
Exclusive India Distributor: JQRacing, HIGHEST RC (Servos), SWEEP Racing (Tires), IB-Prostart (Engine Heater), REDS Racing (Nitro Engines), MIP USA (Tools), MAX Oils (Silicon & Diff Oils)


hi guys,

      I just wan't to ask that when i start buggy the tyres just start moving so can anybody tell me how to set it......And sometimes when the fuel reaches to the engine it goes back to the tank (while starting)....


      I just wan't to ask that when i start buggy the tyres just start moving so can anybody tell me how to set it......And sometimes when the fuel reaches to the engine it goes back to the tank (while starting)....


U need to tune ur idling...

Reduce the carb opening
Ask questions or you will never get the answers.


I should tune idling for tyres.....and carb for fuel i right


Reduce ur idling so that the engine race decreases, which inturn will prevent the car from moving in idle position.
Carb is Carbuerator . You will find the idling screw just under the air filter . Idling screw is a part of Carb which controls the air fuel mixture. Make it a little lean , just enough that the engine doesnt die off.

For fuel problem i think u need to play with ur HSN - High speed needle.

Even i am new into RC Cars , just bought TT Tomahawk ST a week before. Faced similar problems and this is how i resolved them...

Read the manual and set the HSN and LSN accordingly
Ask questions or you will never get the answers.



   when I start the buggy the tires don't move but when i pull trigger slightly the engine stops....  :banghead:

Please see this video............     


nobody can help me.....plzzzz help


Try turning your HSN (High Speed Needle) anti-clock wise by about half or a one full turn.

Let us know if that works.
Veels on 5er
Facebook: Veels on 5er
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Dealer of: Tamiya RC Products, ATV's and UTV's, Thunder Tiger
Exclusive India Distributor: JQRacing, HIGHEST RC (Servos), SWEEP Racing (Tires), IB-Prostart (Engine Heater), REDS Racing (Nitro Engines), MIP USA (Tools), MAX Oils (Silicon & Diff Oils)


   Thank you for all ur also i've one problem with my buggy........when i start the buggy after sometime it automatically move on (and slowly slowly speed increases up to a level).....can anybody help to deal with this problem....... i just want to set my buggy fully so when i pull triger then only buggy move on just like we see in the video.....plzzz help
thanx in advance 


please help me......can't anybody help me......


Sounds like your tune is way off. How did you tune your engine? Start the car with the wheels off the ground and see if it sputters and stops when you accelerate. Turn the carb needles to factory position (will be mentioned in the manual or online) and then start tuning from there. Make sure you run the car a couple of laps after each adjustment of the needle. There should be smoke at all times through all rev ranges.

Let us know how it goes.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Veels on 5er
Facebook: Veels on 5er
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Dealer of: Tamiya RC Products, ATV's and UTV's, Thunder Tiger
Exclusive India Distributor: JQRacing, HIGHEST RC (Servos), SWEEP Racing (Tires), IB-Prostart (Engine Heater), REDS Racing (Nitro Engines), MIP USA (Tools), MAX Oils (Silicon & Diff Oils)


Please see this video and please tell me why my buggy is not starting..................


please help......nobody knows why it's not starting......



Can anybody help me how to deal with these problems. I am not getting how to tune this buggy. I haven't run it nicely from 2 months.

Plz...plz...plz...HELP :'(

Thank You


Send it over to us. Will sort it out for you.
TRAXXAS. The FASTEST name in Radio Control. Innovators of the RC Industry and manufacturers of the wolrds best RC cars are now in India.


I have thunder tiger tomahawk bx.....and I am a beginner. So, I want to know that how to tune my buggy...I'm not getting it...
Thanks For help